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08-11 Oct 200729th EWGLAM, Dubrovnik1 Activities & Plans 2007 Dijana Klaric Met service of Croatia RC LACE Project Leader.

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Presentation on theme: "08-11 Oct 200729th EWGLAM, Dubrovnik1 Activities & Plans 2007 Dijana Klaric Met service of Croatia RC LACE Project Leader."— Presentation transcript:

1 08-11 Oct 200729th EWGLAM, Dubrovnik1 Activities & Plans 2007 Dijana Klaric Met service of Croatia RC LACE Project Leader

2 08-11 Oct 200729th EWGLAM, Dubrovnik2 RC LACE report Environment &  R&D highlights Operations and Common actions From Evaluation 2 Future

3 08-11 Oct 200729th EWGLAM, Dubrovnik3 Regional Cooperation environment Members: Au-Cr-Cz-Hu- Ro -Si-Sk Co-operation: R&D on meso-scale NWP Operations Common actions RC LACE MoU RC LACE Budget  7 NWP teams  LACE MG Project Leader, 4 Working Group Leaders, ALADIN SC, Data Manager ALADIN partners HIRLAM SRNWP

4 08-11 Oct 200729th EWGLAM, Dubrovnik4 2006/2007 ALADIN-LACE-HIRLAM actions ALARO training at Radostovice, March 2007 14 participants -all LACE Members (+ MF, Be, PT, Mc + Denmark) ALADIN-HIRLAM LAM-EPS WS (November 2006, Vienna)  GLAMEPS Project at ECMWF SRNWP WS on Numerical tech. ( December 2006, Zagreb) ALADIN-HIRLAM coordination on SURFACE and DA issues (SURFEX WS, SRNWP WS on DA) ALADIN-HIRLAM general WS at Oslo April 2007 ALADIN-HIRLAM general WS at Oslo April 2007  Surface Assimilation (CANARI) WS at Budapest, Nov 2007

5 08-11 Oct 200729th EWGLAM, Dubrovnik5 R&D overview LACE Scientific Plans 2006; 2007 Ä main input for ALADIN Scientific plans Ä IFS environment: Arpege( Global ) -Aladin(Alaro 10km ) -Arome ( 2.5km ) Ä 4 R&D working groups: Dynamics, Physics, Data Assimilation, Predictability Ä 40 scientists: 7 NWP teams + visitors Ä 25-30 person x month funds /year 2007

6 08-11 Oct 200729th EWGLAM, Dubrovnik6 Physics (10km->5km) ALARO  ALARO-0, step 1 (system) Equations and interface (loss of mass due to precipitation is considered ) ; Prognostic cloud water (microphysics 5 water species); Radiation –NER formulation; Turbulence (pseudo- prognostic TKE scheme); Cloudiness issue (improved optical properties, new saturation cloud model)  ALARO-0, step 2 (multi-scale, “grey-zone”) Sub-grib scale convection - 3MT Microphysics and Transport for SGS convection 3MT - Microphysics and Transport for SGS convection +Multiscale +Modular =3MT

7 08-11 Oct 200729th EWGLAM, Dubrovnik7 ALARO Diagnostics Ä Model consistency and performance (ALARO: more memory, less CPU – better optimized) Ä DDH tool for diagnostic (IFS basic, AAA developed) Ä Model comparison ALARO vs ALADIN Physics Ä ALARO –v0: operative at CZ, A, Be,..... (new ALADIN)

8 08-11 Oct 200729th EWGLAM, Dubrovnik8 ALARO plans 2007-> Ä Governing equations: extension to compressible case (NH) Ä Pseudo-prognostic TKE-scheme: new mixing length formulation; an 'analytical' CBR interpretation within p-TKE Ä Radiation: modularization,better aerosol model Ä 3MT: validation and tuning, sensitivity to mid- troposphere humidity, test of convection diurnal cycle, triggering of convection (Team; JF Geleyn, JM Piriou, B Catry, L Gerard, R Brozkova, N Pristov, D Banciu,M Tudor, F Vana, J Masek, J Cedilnik......)

9 08-11 Oct 200729th EWGLAM, Dubrovnik9 ALARO-0 Project- Overview of R&D pxm onetworking part only (fresh funds) owithout home R&D, phasing and coordination efforts Year ALADIN-2LACEM FCHMIFlat-RateFR/LACETotal 200411.5226.5 20052.55.533.514.5 20061.552 3.513.5 2007263.51.513 Total5 pxm 18 pxm 7 pxm 7 pxm 7 pxm 1.5 pxm 45.5 pxm

10 08-11 Oct 200729th EWGLAM, Dubrovnik10 R&Dstatus  Results NH ALADIN Dynamics 3D VAR DA (10km) Multi scale physics Meso-scale EPS  Operations (06/07) ALARO 10kn physics LAEF  Desires  NH ALADIN -VFE  Coupling  4D-VAR, Surface  SURFEX  GLAMEPS (+)

11 08-11 Oct 200729th EWGLAM, Dubrovnik11 GLAMEPS_v0 - test phase HIRLAM -66? members  ECMWF targeted singular vectors (TEPS)  OT - 24h -3 TEPS domains - 2 HIRLAM physics - ( 10 memx2 mod x3domains) ALADIN – 22 members  Downscaling of ECMWF EPS 22km/44km ALADIN  lat/lon post-proc. (INM sys)  Next step: ALADIN native singular vectors (tests) (OT =+12h, +24h)

12 08-11 Oct 200729th EWGLAM, Dubrovnik12 Products  ALADIN deterministic 7 ALADIN models + Global ÄVerification package ÄALADIN Multi-grams ALADIN pEPS  LAEF products Downscaling of ECMWF EPS (16+cont, 18 km) -EPS grams -Probability charts -Stamps Planned: -Multi-physics -Blending

13 08-11 Oct 200729th EWGLAM, Dubrovnik13 FDP MAP D-Phase MAP D-phase Demonstration Project (June-Nov 2007) - Probabilistic hydrological and meteorological simulations for heavy rains and flood events - Contribution of LACE via Austrian team - ALADIN/Austria for deterministic products (ALARO phy) (∆x= 9.6km, 45 levels, dyn. adaptation) - ALADIN LAEF probability products (24h precipitation) (∆x= 18km, 37 levels, 16 mem +contr. from ECMWF EPS) - Disseminated to MAP D-Phase center

14 08-11 Oct 200729th EWGLAM, Dubrovnik14 RC LACE Monitoring of Observation Network Non-GTS SYNOP DA ÄALADIN /HU 3D VAR DA ÄImpact Study ÄData: SYNOP, TEMP, AIREP,AMV,Wind pr, AMSU AB Ä SYNOP Observation distribution ÄNeutral impact  CANARI OI for surface assim.  LACE Data manager

15 08-11 Oct 200729th EWGLAM, Dubrovnik15 LACE Evaluation Project Evaluation after 10 year activities (1996-2006) - To give independent advices about future development  Recommendations To overcome the duplication of the operational efforts To suppress draining of resources on maintaining and downstream applications. To provide small NWP centers with a complete NWP system.  Stronger governance: more working hours for LACE MG  TASK Sharing via Lead Centers: Operations and research

16 08-11 Oct 200729th EWGLAM, Dubrovnik16 LACE Future 2008 -> Action Plan for implementation of (Working Group)  Political decision for the closer operative cooperation (toward the Projects with operative deliverables)  Leading centers => Responsible center  Bottom-up => Top-down planning   Projects (priority list, deliverables, Responsible center)  New Management Group: PM, 4AL, ASC, DA  LACE MoU III (2008-2012)  LACE 10-years strategy

17 08-11 Oct 200729th EWGLAM, Dubrovnik17

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