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Unit 2 PP 1. Define / Describe binomial of naming species: - Every organism is given 2 names (by Carl Linnaeus, a Swedish Botanist – in Latin) -These.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 2 PP 1. Define / Describe binomial of naming species: - Every organism is given 2 names (by Carl Linnaeus, a Swedish Botanist – in Latin) -These."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 2 PP 1

2 Define / Describe binomial of naming species: - Every organism is given 2 names (by Carl Linnaeus, a Swedish Botanist – in Latin) -These are: Genus & species (Genus – first letter is capitol, species is not – both are italic) Eg. Canis lupus - Wolf Can also be written as C. lupus

3 Classification – each division has its own unique characteristics ( REMEMBER: Kings Play Chess On Fine Grained Sand) Kingdom – Animal, Plant, Fungi, Prokaryotes, Protista vertebratesPhylum - vertebrates/ arthropods / nematodes / annelids / mollusks Class – fish / reptiles/ birds/ amphibians/ mammals - crustaceans, insects, myrapods, arachnids Order - Family - Genus - Species -

4 Kingdoms: Animal PlantFungi Prokaryotes Protista

5 Kingdom: Animal; Phylum: Vertebrates includes….. Fish Reptiles Birds: Amphibians: Mammals:

6 List features of vertebrates (as above): Bony fishAmphibiansReptilesBirdsMammals -> vertebrates with scaly skin ->Have fins ->Have gills ->Vertebrates with moist scale-less skin -> eggs laid in water ->Larva (tadpoles) live in water ->Larva has gills -> Adult has lungs ->Vertebrates with scaly skin ->Lay eggs with rubbery shells ->Vertebrates with feathers ->Forelimbs have become wings ->Lay eggs with hard shells (waterproof) ->Homeothermi c -> have a beak ->Vertebrates with hair ->Have placenta ->Young feed on milk from mammary glands -Homeothermic -Have diaphragm -Heart has 4 chambers -Different types of teeth -Developed cerebral hemisphere

7 Kingdom: Animals; Phylum: Arthropods includes… Crustaceans: Insects: Myrapods: Arachnids:

8 Kingdom: animal; Phylum : nematodes / annelids / mollusks includes…. Nematodes: Annelids: Mollusks:

9 Adaptations (list of features) of organisms (as above): ArthropodsAnnelidsNematodesMolluscs Myriapods: - Mandibles / lower jaws helps crush food easily -Have poison claws -Produce irritant liquid used against predators -Insects: -Wings to fly away form predators - Antenna enhanced sense of smell and taste - exoskeleton that protest internal organs Crustaceans: -Hard outside shell – protection from predators - legs have 2 endings like claws to catch prey (crabs) Arachnids: -Many legs = quick mobility - have waxy layer on skin allowing to conserve water - high metabolic rates due to trachea supplying oxygen directly to tissue -Hermaphroditic therefore faster reproduction - thin body shape allows them to burrow in the ground easily -- can re-grow their lost body parts -Eggs can survive harsh conditions - parasitic (some) therefore are able to get their nutrition from host organism - coved in waxy layer that is thick that can protect them in harsh conditions -Have shells for protection -Radula used for scraping food from surfaces (algae) - closed circulatory systems (makes learning and memory possible – like octopus) - can camouflage to blend with surroundings (change color) like octopus

10 Kingdom: Plants Phylum: Anthrocerotophyta – (one of many) (Flowering plants) Monocotyledon (Monocots): Fibrous roots to uptake more water than Dicots Over ground damaged roots can regenerate Roots expand like a mat to maximize surface area to exposed minerals Dicotyledon (Dicots): Larger roots more resistant to damage if pulled Well branched / roots go deep underground Have thorns for protection (roses)

11 Some background information on plants PlantsAnimals Photosynthesis: take energy from sunlight to make sugar from Carbon Dioxide and Water Chlorophyll: a pigment that captures sunlight and allows photosynthesis to take place. Have a cell wall made out of cellulose * Flowering plants (sexual reproduction) that gives seeds. **Non flowering plants (ferns – asexual reproduction) Roots / stems and leaves No photosynthesis Gets nutrients by eating plants and or other organisms No chlorophyll No Cell wall. No flowering parts but use sexual reproduction to generate offspring

12 Monocots / Dicots What’s a cotyledon? Parts of the seed – Mono – one part / Di – 2 parts MonocotsDicots Long / sharp leaves Parallel veins Have flowers with number of parts divisible by 3 Leaves with branching patterns Have flowers with number of petals divisible by 4 or 5

13 Leaves Monocot Dicot

14 Info on viruses: ~1 nano-meter (1x 10 -9 nm) 1.Virus attaches to the cell’s surface 2.DNA or RNA of the virus (either /or) * Nucleic acid =DNA or RNA = genetic material – enters the cell 3.Viral DNA or RNA makes copy of itself using the cell’s own machinery. 4.Outside the nucleus the virus is assembled 5.New viruses leave the cell

15 More on Bacteria: 1000 x smaller than animal cell Single cell organism (prokaryotic) Cell wall made of peptidoglycan No nucleus

16 More on Fungi Do not do photosynthesis /No chlorophyll Reproduce via spores Saprotropic (secrete enzymes on their food / digest it and then absorb it) Feed on dead and waste matter Myceluim = main body of Mushroom Cell wall made up of chitin Mycelium made up of Hyphe ( small thread like structures that grows where the mushroom is feeding.

17 Classification of viruses / bacteria / fungi / adaptations virusbacteriafungi classification-Small 1 nm -Protein coat -DNA or RNA in nucleus -Uses host cell machinery to reproduce -Not considered living until.. -1000x smaller than animal cell -Prokayotic -Has cell wall made of peptidoglycan --free floating DNA -Has mycelium -Has hyphe -Cell wall made up of chitin -Reproduces via spores adaptation-Can remain dormant for long periods of time -Has variety of hosts -Can survive in extreme temperatures -Cell wall allows it to survive and penetrate host cell -Can grow on what it feeds on -Sparotrophic (has enzymes that it excretes to digest waste it feeds on) -Spores are carried by wind

18 Main features for the classification of: arthropodsinsectscrustaceansarachnidsmyriapods Joint legs Hard outer covering (exoskeleton) Exoskeleton: -Protection -Supports muscles for movement Body divided into segments Body divided into: head / thorax (3 segments)/ abdomen (10/11 segments) 2 pairs of wings attached to thorax Compound eyes Pair of antennae Grasshopper Strong exoskeleton Due to calcium Many pairs of legs 2 pairs of antennae Head/thorax (cephalothora x) & abdomen Crabs Cephalothorx and abdomen 4 pairs of legs No Antennae Centipedes (fast moving predators) Millipedes (slow moving herbavors) Long /thin Similar segment bodies Many pairs of legs Pair of antennae

19 Main features for the classification of: AnnelidsNematodesMolluscs Worms Body made up of many segments (rings) Earthworms Leaches No legs Some have antennae / visible head Chaetae = tiny stiff hairs that help them to grip surface Also worms Body not divided into segments Long / thin / white No obvious head / legs No Chaetae Parasitic Some live in digestive system of animals others in soil Slugs / snails/ mussels / oisters / Octopus Soft bodies No segmentation Sometimes have hard shell Move on soft foot that secretes slimy mucus Rough tongue that to scrape leaves that they eat Some are filter feeders

20 There are other classification systems Cladistics – based on DNA / RNA sequencing data

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