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1.1 plant and animal cells Pages 12-13. Cell membrane or Plasma membrane Controls the movement of materials in and out of the cell.

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1 1.1 plant and animal cells Pages 12-13

2 Cell membrane or Plasma membrane Controls the movement of materials in and out of the cell.

3 Nucleus Nucleus contains chromosomes and controls all of the cell’s activities Nuclear membrane controls what goes in and out the nucleus.

4 Nucleolus Site of RNA production

5 Ribosomes Free-floating or attached to the E.R. Site of protein production

6 ER Channels that move substances though the cell Rough ER…ribosomes attached (protein) Smooth ER…no ribosomes (fat)

7 Golgi Apparatus Stores, packages and secretes protein outside of the cell.

8 Lysosomes Animal cells only Contain digestive enzymes that break down materials

9 Mitochondria Smooth folded inner membrane (cristae) for large surface area Matrix-fluid

10 Chloroplasts Site of photosynthesis in plants Chlorophyll is green pigment

11 Vacuole Stores water, food and wastes

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