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Adaptable web sites Joni Korpi 01/20. Definition A page, whose layout – and possibly content – changes according to the devices size. 02/20.

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Presentation on theme: "Adaptable web sites Joni Korpi 01/20. Definition A page, whose layout – and possibly content – changes according to the devices size. 02/20."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adaptable web sites Joni Korpi 01/20

2 Definition A page, whose layout – and possibly content – changes according to the devices size. 02/20

3 Contents 1. The old way of developing 2. The new way of developing 3. Summary & best uses 4. Resources for those interested 03/20

4 The old way Many separate sites 04/20

5 Zeit Online 05/20

6 Facebook 06/20

7 Separate sites Often completely independent: HTML, CSS & Javascript Template code Lots of work Mostly for heavy sites 07/20

8 Problems User guidance Browser sniffing Requires constant maintenance Error prone Unconsistent 08/20

9 The new way One adaptable site 09/20

10 Differences One consistent site Adapts to browser size No browser sniffing No user guidance 10/20

11 CSS3 media query Part of the CSS3-standard Uses a certain part of CSS when certain conditions are A type of IF-statement Used to everride CSS-styles 11/20

12 “If the browsers width is this, do that.” #sivu {font-size: 16px; color: black;} @media (min-width: 1280px) { #sivu {font-size: 18px;} } 12/20

13 “This is an adaptable site, use the screens real width.” 13/20

14 Browser support Standard All except: Internet Explorer 6–8 The old Nokia Webkit & Opera Respond.js adds support 14/20

15 Two types Static (static/adaptive) eg. Information ArchitectsInformation Architects More traditional Flexible (responsive) eg. Ethan MarcotteEthan Marcotte eg. SparkboxSparkbox 15/20

16 Problems “Faking size” eg. Samsung Galaxy Tab Developer can’t do anything about this Problem of the manufacturers File sizes possibly heavy for 3G 16/20

17 To think about Same content for different devices? Does the cell-phone surfer want different things than the PC-surfer? Touch screen vs. mouse Different requirements 17/20

18 Summary 18/20

19 Recap A new way for normal sites Media querys: standard Fix support with Respond.js:llä Static vs. flexible Keep context in mind The old way only for exceptions 19/20

20 Interested? Google “responsive design” A List Apart – Responsive Web Design / @beep @jonikorpi / 20/20

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