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ECM User Interfaces and Solution Development Platform.

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Presentation on theme: "ECM User Interfaces and Solution Development Platform."— Presentation transcript:

1 ECM User Interfaces and Solution Development Platform

2 Please Note: IBM’s statements regarding its plans, directions, and intent are subject to change or withdrawal without notice at IBM’s sole discretion. Information regarding potential future products is intended to outline our general product direction and it should not be relied on in making a purchasing decision. The information mentioned regarding potential future products is not a commitment, promise, or legal obligation to deliver any material, code or functionality. Information about potential future products may not be incorporated into any contract. The development, release, and timing of any future features or functionality described for our products remains at our sole discretion. Availability. References in this presentation to IBM products, programs, or services do not imply that they will be available in all countries in which IBM operates. © Copyright IBM Corporation 2011. All rights reserved. – U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. IBM, the IBM logo,,Lotus,Tivoli, WebSphare and DB2 are trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. If these and other IBM trademarked terms are marked on their first occurrence in this information with a trademark symbol (® or ™), these symbols indicate U.S. registered or common law trademarks owned by IBM at the time this information was published. Such trademarks may also be registered or common law trademarks in other countries. A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the Web at “Copyright and trademark information” at Quark, Justsystems, Arbortext, XyVision, Microsoft SharePoint, RedHat. SUSE may be trademarks or service marks of others.

3 ECM User Experience Access to documents anywhere – FileNet Content Manager – IBM Content Manager – Content Manager OnDemand – CMIS (tech preview) – ICA text search Desktop and mobile – Browser application and UI toolkit – iOS mobile application

4 4 iOS application Browse Search Add using camera

5 ECM User Experience Collaborative content management Document authoring Folder organization Property and text search Checkin/out Classification and taxonomy Flexible security Review/approve External Data integration Thumbnail and preview Thumbnails Office Document Preview

6 ECM User Experience Production Imaging, reports and statements Advanced search Business processes Work assignment Image and statement viewing Side by side and tabbed viewing Annotations Redaction Multiple Searches Tabbed and side by side viewing Role based in-baskets

7 ECM User Experience Business self provisioning Teamspace My Documents replacement Standard operating procedures Quarterly and annual business reviews Events and conferences Contracts/ vendor management … …

8 ECM User Experience Business self provisioning Template Teamspace Accelerator for projects Document classes Searches Folders Reference documents and templates Roles Personalized for your project Selected document classes Selected searches Changed folder structure Documents for your project Add members of roles Deploy in minutes

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10 ECM User Experience Advanced search Search all repositories Search and drill-down any content  Repository RDBMS and text search – Multiple searches active – Saved and shared searches  ICA text search with analytics – Facet drill down – Dynamic summary and highlighting – Result analytics

11 Configuration of: Logos and labels Repositories Layouts Menus Viewers …

12 Optimizing the desktop for business roles Customizing layouts Layouts Created by JavaScript developer Extension of html or Deployed using Nexus administration

13 The visual component toolkit ECM Dojo components Change or extend OOTB Nexus Build complete applications ECM-enable applications ECM Dijits and Full Dojo library

14 What is Dojo 14 Freely use Dojo to build applications and services Distribute Dojo as a part of commercial products Modify Dojo, make extensions to the toolkit

15 External data services  OOTB UI functionality –Applies to add document, checkin, modify properties, search  External choice lists  Dependencies between properties  Set default or dynamic values  Property value and format validation  Dynamic properties Database CRM ERP Custom

16 Extending Nexus Third party created Dojo dijits Customer menu and tool bar actions Customer developed layouts Examples of plugins – ICA integration – EDS services – Custom menus – Custom layouts – Custom UI components – … Plugins and customizations do not change Nexus core code Deployed alongside the Nexus EAR Upgrades will be simpler Plugins and customizations do not change Nexus core code Deployed alongside the Nexus EAR Upgrades will be simpler


18 Thank You!








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34 BACKUP 34

35 Customization and integration ECM Mid-tier services ECM JavaScript Modeling Toolkit ECM Dojo Dijits Visual Toolkit Search Form ECM Web Client ECM iWidgets (Portal & B-space) ECM iWidgets (Portal & B-space) SharePoint integration Custom web clients CM8 Java API Browser Request Repository Item Security Logging EDS P8 Java API ODJava API CMIS P8 CM8 CMOD CMIS Repository Content List Folder Selection Content Viewer ICA Search Custom Application Server

36 Nexus services and client applications In the browser Visual Dojo dijits for extending or building UIs Modeling layer for network optimization and common data management JavaScript, Dojo, HTML5 In the browser Visual Dojo dijits for extending or building UIs Modeling layer for network optimization and common data management JavaScript, Dojo, HTML5 In the J2EE application server Delivers repository abstraction Integrates External Data Services Manages desktops, repositories, menus, labels, plugins, … Manages cross repository favorites In the J2EE application server Delivers repository abstraction Integrates External Data Services Manages desktops, repositories, menus, labels, plugins, … Manages cross repository favorites

37 External Data Service ECM JavaScript Modeling Library ECM Visual Dojo Dijit Library Customer provided EDS Service ECM ECM Mid-tier calls customer provided EDS service and combines it with class and search template information from ECM Model objects consume class and template information and external data service information Visual components display choice lists, default values and presets to users Search Form Add/Edit Document Process Workitem Class Object Search Template Object Workitem Object ECM Mid-tier services

38 External data services  Build your service –Nexus/ACM common implementation –Build ERP/CRM/DB web service Use JAVA,.Net or other development tools –Nexus to service communication uses JSON Nexus sends user action, class ID, user name, folder filed, property values, … Service sends values, property states, validation failure text –Host service in J2EE, IIS as appropriate  Configure Nexus –Web Admin to connect to OOTB user interface Use service URL Customer provided EDS Service URL

39 Case Manager and Nexus Interoperability concepts Case Manager using Nexus toolkit – Accelerates Case Manager product and customer development – Taking one or more dijits and creating an iWidget to add to Case Manager Case Manager launching a teamspace – During case processing, initiate a teamspace for collaborative document management – The documents created in the teamspace return to the case once complete Launch a case from Nexus – Production Imaging exception processing – E.g. Initiate a case to handle an exception

40 Application Services (Websphere/Weblogic) Application Services (Websphere/Weblogic) Nexus Mid-tier services P8 (CE/PE) ACM Application (Business Space) ACM Application (Business Space) Storage DB ACM REST ACM iWidget Wiring iWidget Nexus Dojo Dijit Nexus application (Websphere/Weblogic) Javascript layout Wiring Nexus Dojo Dijit Case Manager and Nexus Interoperability concept

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