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Internet,Intranet and Extranet Introduction Key Definitions: Internet: The internet is a global network of interconnected networks. Intranet: An intranet.

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Presentation on theme: "Internet,Intranet and Extranet Introduction Key Definitions: Internet: The internet is a global network of interconnected networks. Intranet: An intranet."— Presentation transcript:

1 Internet,Intranet and Extranet Introduction Key Definitions: Internet: The internet is a global network of interconnected networks. Intranet: An intranet is a private enterprise network that uses internet and web technologies for information gathering and distribution within an organization. Extranet: An extranet is a community of interest created by extending an intranet to selected entities external to an organization. 1


3 Global Internet Network Hierarchy The Internet: Exists due to the interconnection of private, public and university networks. Networks connect to each other at various public or private connection points, called peering points. Public peering points are called Network Access Points (NAPs) Private peering points follow Acceptable Use Practices (AUP) Internet Services Providers Classified into three tiers, based on size and capacity: Tier 1: Big, national backbones Tier 2: Large, metropolitan backbones. Tier 3: Local ISPs. 3

4 The Internet vs. Internet-Related Technology Internet: relates to the global network Internet Technologies: Collection of internet protocols and applications Based upon Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) for network transport Based upon many protocols for applications: Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP) and Post Office Protocol 3 (POP3) for e-mail Telnet for remote logon File Transfer Protocol (FTP) for exchanging data files. Web Technology- refers to the use of: Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) for transport of web data Hypertext Markup Language/Extended Markup Language (HTML/XML) for data presentation. 4

5 Applications Of Internet Download programs and files E-Mail Voice and Video Conferencing E-Commerce File Sharing Information browsing Search the web addresses for access through search engine Chatting and many more…

6 Disadvantages of Internet Theft of personal information such as name, address, credit card number etc. Virus threats nothing but a program which disrupts the normal functioning of your system. Spamming refers to receiving unwanted e-mails in bulk, which provide no purpose and needlessly obstruct the entire system. Pornography This is perhaps the biggest threat related to children’s healthy mental life. A very serious issue concerning the Internet. Though, internet can also create havoc, destruction and its misuse can be very fatal, the advantages of it outweigh its disadvantages.

7 Intranet

8 Internal company network that uses Internet standards (HTML, HTTP & TCP/IP protocols) & software. Accessed only by authorized persons, especially members or employees of the organization MSIA711.058

9 Intranet Security Two levels of Security required: Internal It can be imposed by Public Key Security & Encryption Key. External Through Firewall.

10 What is Firewall ? Security device located between firm’s internal network (intranet) & external network (internet). Regulates access into & out of a company’s network based on a set of rules. Note : needs to be upgraded from time to time to check latest potential security problems. MSIA711.0510

11 Types of content found on intranets: administrative - calendars, emergency procedures, meeting room bookings, procedure manuals and membership of internal committees and groups corporate - business plans, client/customer lists, document templates, branding guidelines, mission statements, press coverage and staff newsletters financial - annual reports and organisational performance 11

12 Types of content found on intranets: IT - virus alerts, tips on dealing with problems with hardware, software and networks, policies on corporate use of email and internet access and a list of online training courses and support marketing - competitive intelligence, with links to competitor websites, corporate brochures, latest marketing initiatives, press releases, presentations 12

13 Types of content found on intranets : human resources - appraisal procedures and schedules, employee policies, expenses forms and annual leave requests, staff discount schemes, new vacancies individual projects - current project details, team contact information, project management information, project documents, time and expense reporting external information resources - route planning and mapping sites, industry organisations, research sites and search engines 13

14 Benefits of an intranet Business efficiency can be improved by using intranet for: publishing - delivering information and business news as directories and web documents document management - viewing, printing and working collaboratively on office documents such as spreadsheets training - accessing and delivering various types of e-learning to the user's desktop workflow - automating a range of administrative processes front-end to corporate systems - providing a common interface to corporate databases and business information systems email - integrating intranet content with email services so that information can be distributed effectively 14

15 The main benefits of an intranet are : better internal communications - corporate information can be stored centrally and accessed at any time sharing of resources and best practice - a virtual community can be created to facilitate information sharing and collaborative working improved customer service - better access to accurate and consistent information by your staff leads to enhanced levels of customer service reduction in paperwork - forms can be accessed and completed on the desktop, and then forwarded as appropriate for approval, without ever having to be printed out, and with the benefit of an audit trail 15

16 Extranet An extranet is similar to an intranet but it is made accessible to selected external partners such as business partners, suppliers, key customers etc, for exchanging data and applications and sharing information. As with an intranet, an extranet can also provide remote access to corporate systems for staff who spend lots of time out of the office, for instance those in sales or customer support, or home workers. Extranet users should be a well-defined group and access must be protected by rigorous identification routines and security features.

17 Extranet applications Online ordering *News and content Marketing and product information * Legacy database access Inventory management * ERP; supply chain management. Collaborative research and development Training, policy and standards E-mail and chat *Bulletin boards and groups Billing and account history *On-line financial transactions 17

18 Extranet Advantages Advantages Collaborative research and development (R&D) fosters better ties between partners and shorter time-to-market, thus reducing the product life cycle and increasing product competitiveness ERP and supply chain management streamline business processes Better customer support increases customer loyalty and weans customers from live representatives to cheaper “self-help.” Collaborative extranets foster team spirit among partners and customers, reduce cost of production, travel costs, and customer service, and improve the speed of communications speed. Customer/partner access to backend data improves efficiency Brings access to new markets through IP-based EDI participation

19 Benefits of an extranet more integrated supply chains through the use of online ordering, order tracking and inventory management reduced costs by making manuals and technical documentation available online to trading partners and customers more effective collaboration between business partners - perhaps members of a project team - by enabling them to work online on common documentation improved business relationships with key trading partners because of the close collaborative working that extranets support 19

20 Benefits of an extranet improved customer service by giving customers direct access to information and enabling them to resolve their own queries a single user interface between you and your business partners improving the security of communications between you and your business partners, since exchanges can take place under a controlled and secure environment shared news of product development exclusively with partner companies flexible working for your own staff, as an extranet allows remote and mobile staff to access core business information 24 hours a day, irrespective of location 20

21 The relationship between access to intranets, extranets and the Internet

22 MSIA711.0522

23 Clients,partners,customers Layered System View Intranet Extranet Internet Corporatemembers Global society:competitors

24 A simple comparison will help show the differences between each type. InternetIntranetExtranet Accesspublicprivatesemi-private Userseveryone members of a specific company group of closely related firms Informationfragmentedproprietary Shared in closely trusted held circles Shared in closely trusted held circles 24

25 THANK YOU MSIA711.0525

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