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HAIL TO THE CHIEFS - Dr. E. Fuller Torrey and Dr. Robert Yolken.

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Presentation on theme: "HAIL TO THE CHIEFS - Dr. E. Fuller Torrey and Dr. Robert Yolken."— Presentation transcript:

1 HAIL TO THE CHIEFS - Dr. E. Fuller Torrey and Dr. Robert Yolken

2 Dr. Michael Knable, Stanley Medical Research Institute and Dr. Husseini Manji, National Institutes of Health

3 Dr. John Kane and Dr. Anil Malhotra, Hillside Hospital, New York

4 Dr. Jonas Blomberg, Uppsala University, Sweden

5 Dr. Emilia Oleszak, Temple University and Dr. Jeffrey Nurenberg, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons

6 Jennifer Taylor, Wolston Park Hospital, Australia and Dr. Francois Feron, Queensland Center for Schizophrenia Research, Australia

7 Dr. Reza Firouzi, Laboraire des Deficits Immunitaires, Lyons France

8 Dr. Glen Ford, Roveko Inc., Gaithersburg, MD

9 Dr. C. Anthony Altar, Psychiatric Genomics Inc., Gaithersburg, MD and Dr. Sabine Bahn, Cambridge UK

10 Dr. S.H. Fatemi, University of Minnesota and Dr. John Waddington, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland

11 Ms. Kelly Wilson and Ms. Beata Barci, Stanley Medical Research Institute

12 Dr. Norbert Mueller, Munich, Germany

13 Dr. Lorraine Brando, Stanley Division of Developmental Neurovirology, Johns Hopkins and Dr. Kathryn Carbone, FDA

14 Dr. Tracey Petryshen, The Whitehead Institute and Dr. Maree Webster, Stanley Medical Research Institute

15 Dr. Mark Vawter, University of California at Irvine and Dr. S.H. Shakman, Institute of Science, Santa Monica, California

16 Dr. Mark Vawter, Dr. E. Fuller Torrey and Dr. Robert H. Yolken

17 Participants

18 Dr. Robert Yolken and Ms. Heidi Coblentz

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