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Camp Grady Spruce-Ymca 3000 Park Road 36, Graford, TX 76449 (940) 779-2177.

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Presentation on theme: "Camp Grady Spruce-Ymca 3000 Park Road 36, Graford, TX 76449 (940) 779-2177."— Presentation transcript:



3 Camp Grady Spruce-Ymca 3000 Park Road 36, Graford, TX 76449 (940) 779-2177

4 Camp Grady Spruce ns/camp_grady_spruce/

5  Nurse Williams  See handouts and forms to read and complete  Notice Due Date

6  7:35 Drop your 5 th grader off at school with bags and say goodbye.  Every 5 th grader will carry own bags to designated location.  8:00-8:45 Kids go to specials  8:00 Chaperones meet in library for a meeting and breakfast.  8:30 Chaperones load bags onto buses  8:45 students load buses with backpacks and lunches.  9:00 buses leave and chaperones follow





11 BreakfastLunchDinner Wednesday Sack Lunch from Home Spaghetti Garlic Bread Green Beans Salad Bar Cookies Thursday Scrambled Eggs Bacon Waffles Cereal Pizza Corn Salad Bar Chicken Crispito Spanish Rice Pinto Beans Salad Bar Apple Crispito Friday Scrambled Eggs Sausage Biscuits & Gravy Cereal Sack Lunch Sandwich Chips Fruit Cookie










21 EP RAYZOR Camp Grady Spruce Outdoor Education Program November 7-9, 2012 Wednesday 11/9Thursday 11/10Friday 11/11 7:40 Hopper Duty 7:50 Flag 8:00 Breakfast  Leave E.P. at 9:00  Arrive at Camp Grady Spruce  Orientation on Porch  Parent Meeting  Sack Lunch 9:00-11:20 Trails A)Johnson’s Peak B)Devil’s Island C)Canoe/Orienteering D)Man and Environment 9:00-11:15 Trails A)Canoe/Orienteering B)Man and Environment C)Johnson’s Peak D)Devil’s Island 11:40 Hoppers11:25 Sack Lunch Move into Cabins 1-1412:00 Lunch 1:00-2:00 Rest Hour 2:00-5:00 Trails A)Man and Environment B)Johnson’s Peak C)Devil’s Island D)Canoe/Orienteering 1:00-2:00 Rest Hour 2:00-5:00 Trails A)Devil’s Island B)Canoe/Orienteering C)Man and Environment D)Johnson’s Peak 12:00 Depart Spruce and travel back to EP Rayzor 5:40 Hopper Duty Arrive E.P around 2:00. 5:50 Flag 6:00 Dinner 7:00 Evening Program Hayride, Star Lab, Night Hike and Starry Night. 7:00-8:00:Cabin Skits 8:00-9:00 Campfire & Songs and S’mores!!!!!! *Organize/Pack Gear and Clean Cabins. 10:00 Lights Out


23  Cabin Mates  Homesick  Nighttime accidents  Picky Eater

24  Purchase camp t-shirt and complete order form  Pay camp tuition for your child  Send in apples, granola bars, or breakfast bars  Be sure your child has all needed supplies from the list  Be sure your child and teachers have current cell phone number.  Have plan A and B for picking up your 5 th grader on Friday Nov. 9. at 2:30ish  Volunteer for Smores: see Mrs. Shaw  Volunteer for Chaperone Breakfast: see Mrs. Seavey

25 around  We arrive back at E.P. around 2:30.  Have plans for how your child will get home. It’s a possibility we will get back late and miss the school buses.  All medication must be collected by parents from Nurse Williams.  All photos will be posted on Shutterfly by parents and teachers.


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