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Beth ydy’r Urdd? What is the Urdd? Mudiad Cymraeg i blant a phobl ifanc ydy’r Urdd. Mudiad Cymraeg i blant a phobl ifanc ydy’r Urdd. The Urdd is a Welsh.

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Presentation on theme: "Beth ydy’r Urdd? What is the Urdd? Mudiad Cymraeg i blant a phobl ifanc ydy’r Urdd. Mudiad Cymraeg i blant a phobl ifanc ydy’r Urdd. The Urdd is a Welsh."— Presentation transcript:


2 Beth ydy’r Urdd? What is the Urdd? Mudiad Cymraeg i blant a phobl ifanc ydy’r Urdd. Mudiad Cymraeg i blant a phobl ifanc ydy’r Urdd. The Urdd is a Welsh movement for children and young people. The Urdd is a Welsh movement for children and young people.

3 Beth ydy lliwiau’r Urdd? What are the colours of the Urdd? Lliwiau’r Urdd ydy coch, gwyn a gwyrdd. Lliwiau’r Urdd ydy coch, gwyn a gwyrdd. The Urdd colours are red, white and green. The Urdd colours are red, white and green. Gwyrdd ydy Cymru Gwyrdd ydy Cymru Green is Wales. Green is Wales. Coch ydy pobl eraill (cyd- ddyn) Coch ydy pobl eraill (cyd- ddyn) Red is for other people. (fellow man) Red is for other people. (fellow man) Gwyn ydy Iesu Grist. Gwyn ydy Iesu Grist. White is for Jesus Christ. White is for Jesus Christ.

4 Sut dechreuodd yr Urdd? Pam? How did the Urdd start? Why? Dechreuodd yr Urdd yn 1922 gan Syr Ifan ab Owen. Dechreuodd yr Urdd yn 1922 gan Syr Ifan ab Owen. The Urdd was started in 1922 by Syr Ifan ab owen. The Urdd was started in 1922 by Syr Ifan ab owen. Roedd o eisiau cadw’r iaith yn fyw. Roedd o eisiau cadw’r iaith yn fyw. He wanted to keep the language alive. He wanted to keep the language alive.

5 Beth mae’r Urdd yn gwneud? What does the Urdd do? Mae’r Urdd yn helpu pobl eraill Mae’r Urdd yn helpu pobl eraill The Urdd helps other people. The Urdd helps other people. Mae Eisteddfod yr Urdd ym mis Mehefin. Mae Eisteddfod yr Urdd ym mis Mehefin. The Urdd Eusteddod is in June. The Urdd Eusteddod is in June. Mae’r Urdd yn trefnu cystadlaethau chwaraeon Mae’r Urdd yn trefnu cystadlaethau chwaraeon The Urdd organises sport’ competitions. The Urdd organises sport’ competitions.

6 More……………… Mae’r Urdd yn cyhoeddi tri cylchgrawn. Mae’r Urdd yn cyhoeddi tri cylchgrawn. The Urdd publishes three magazines. The Urdd publishes three magazines. - Cip - Cip - Bore da - Bore da - Iaw* - Iaw* Mae Iaw ar gyfer dysgwyr mewn ysgolion Uwchradd Mae Iaw ar gyfer dysgwyr mewn ysgolion Uwchradd Iaw is for learners in Secondary Schools. Iaw is for learners in Secondary Schools. Mae erthyglau, storiau, cartwnau a llythyrau yn y cylchgrawn. Mae erthyglau, storiau, cartwnau a llythyrau yn y cylchgrawn. The magazines contains articles, stories, cartoons and letters The magazines contains articles, stories, cartoons and letters

7 Beth ydy Gwersyll yr Urdd? What is an urdd Camp? What is an urdd Camp? What is an urdd Camp? Mae gan Yr Urdd tri gwersyll Mae gan Yr Urdd tri gwersyll The Urdd has Three Camps The Urdd has Three Camps - un yn Llangrannog - un yn Llangrannog - One in Llangrannog - One in Llangrannog - un yn Glan-Llyn - un yn Glan-Llyn - One in Glan-llyn - One in Glan-llyn - un yng Nghanolfan y Mileniwm Cymru yng Nghaerdydd - un yng Nghanolfan y Mileniwm Cymru yng Nghaerdydd - One in the Milenium centre in Cardiff - One in the Milenium centre in Cardiff



10 Beth ydy Glan-Llyn? What is Glan-Llyn? Gwersyll yr Urdd ydy Glan-Llyn Gwersyll yr Urdd ydy Glan-Llyn Glan-Llyn is an Urdd Camp Glan-Llyn is an Urdd Camp

11 Beth ydy Llangrannog? What is Llangrannog? Gwersyll yr Urdd yn De Cymru ydy Llangrannog Gwersyll yr Urdd yn De Cymru ydy Llangrannog Llangrannog is an Urdd Camp in South Wales Llangrannog is an Urdd Camp in South Wales

12 Beth ydych chi’n gallu gwneud yn Glan-Llyn? What can you do in Glan-Llyn? Yn Glan-Llyn- rydych chi’n gallu……. In Glan-Llyn-you can… Mae’n bosibl….yn Glan-Llyn It is possible to…. In Glan-Llyn Cael hwyl Have fun Rafftio dwr gwyn White water raft Canwio To canoe Llafnrolio To rollerblade Hwylfyrddio To windsurf Nofio To swim Hwylio To sail Dringo To climb Bowlio deg Ten pin bowl

13 Beth ydych chi’n gallu gwneud yn Llangrannog? What can you do in Llangrannog? Yn Llangrannog- rydych chi’n gallu……. In Llangrannog-you can… Mae’n bosibl….yn Llangrannog It is possible to…. in Llangrannog Cael hwyl Have fun Marchogaeth Horse riding Sgio Skiing Beicio cwad Quad biking Gwibgartio Go-karting Nofio To swim Hwylio To sail Dringo To climb Cwrs rhaffau High ropes


15 Beth alla i wneud yn y clwb? What can I do in the Urdd club? 1 st meeting to agree on an activity timetable 1 st meeting to agree on an activity timetable Urdd club members will choose their own activities. Urdd club members will choose their own activities. Opportunities to play games, art & craft activities, using your Welsh on the computers etc. Opportunities to play games, art & craft activities, using your Welsh on the computers etc.

16 Urdd Eisteddfod preparation In addition to playing games and other weekly activities we’ll use club time to prepare for Urdd Eisteddfod competitions. In addition to playing games and other weekly activities we’ll use club time to prepare for Urdd Eisteddfod competitions. The Urdd Eisteddfod will be in Flint this year so if you get through to the final round the Eisteddfod will be on your doorstep! The Urdd Eisteddfod will be in Flint this year so if you get through to the final round the Eisteddfod will be on your doorstep! In addition to the Urdd Eisteddfod you’ll also be able to compete in a range of sport competitions through the PE department. In addition to the Urdd Eisteddfod you’ll also be able to compete in a range of sport competitions through the PE department.

17 Urdd Eisteddfod competitions Group & Individual competitions for all Urdd members. Group & Individual competitions for all Urdd members. Disco Dancing Disco Dancing Singing Singing Instrumental Instrumental Recitation / Acting Recitation / Acting Technology Technology

18 On Thursday, September 17 th, the Urdd will be coming to school to meet with KS3 pupils. You’ll be given the opportunity to attend an activity session where you’ll be given an Urdd membership form. On Thursday, September 17 th, the Urdd will be coming to school to meet with KS3 pupils. You’ll be given the opportunity to attend an activity session where you’ll be given an Urdd membership form. Take the form home for consent and return with your £6.50 membership money to the school office by October 19 th. Take the form home for consent and return with your £6.50 membership money to the school office by October 19 th. Group & Individual competions for all Urdd members. Group & Individual competions for all Urdd members. Disco Dancing Disco Dancing Singing Singing Instrumental Instrumental Recitation / Acting Recitation / Acting Technology Technology How do I join the Urdd?

19 Bydd Clwb yr Urdd yn dechrau dydd Mawrth, Medi 22 am 3.05-4.05 yn F8 efo Mrs Tomos Jones a Miss Humphreys. Bydd Clwb yr Urdd yn dechrau dydd Mawrth, Medi 22 am 3.05-4.05 yn F8 efo Mrs Tomos Jones a Miss Humphreys. Clwb yr Urdd will start on Tuesday, September 22 from 3.05-4.05 in F8 with Mrs Tomos Jones and Miss Humphreys. Clwb yr Urdd will start on Tuesday, September 22 from 3.05-4.05 in F8 with Mrs Tomos Jones and Miss Humphreys. You do not have to join the Urdd to attend the club but will need to be a member of the Urdd to compete in Urdd competitions. You do not have to join the Urdd to attend the club but will need to be a member of the Urdd to compete in Urdd competitions. When will the Welsh Urdd club start

20 Eisteddfod Yr Urdd, Caerffili 2015

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