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Sabbatical Workshop Sabbatical Workshop Friday, April 13, 2007 3:30 – 4:45 p.m. Room N28 Dr. Wallace Smith, VPAA Dr. Elizabeth K. Hawthorne, Chair, Faculty.

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Presentation on theme: "Sabbatical Workshop Sabbatical Workshop Friday, April 13, 2007 3:30 – 4:45 p.m. Room N28 Dr. Wallace Smith, VPAA Dr. Elizabeth K. Hawthorne, Chair, Faculty."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sabbatical Workshop Sabbatical Workshop Friday, April 13, 2007 3:30 – 4:45 p.m. Room N28 Dr. Wallace Smith, VPAA Dr. Elizabeth K. Hawthorne, Chair, Faculty Sabbatical Committee

2 2 Overview  3 Bridges to Cross  Eligibility  Who Recommends & Who Approves  Application Process & Important Dates  Sabbatical Committee Web Site & Application Form  Increasing the Chance for Approval  Some Reasons for Non-approval  Questions

3 3 3 Bridges  Contract Requirements –Provides mechanism to apply –Does not guarantee  Sabbatical Committee – Recommendation  Administration – Approval

4 4 Eligibility According to the AAUP Contract (9/2006 - 8/2009) Article XXVI.B.2.a “ A faculty member shall be eligible for a sabbatical leave for at least one (1) semester after each six (6) years of service at the College.” (p. 82)  May apply for 1 or 2 semester leave every 6 years. Possibility of more than one sabbatical leave in a long teaching career.

5 5 Recommends vs. Approves?  Sabbatical Committee of 5 faculty members recommends proposal to administration. –“ The College agrees to the formation of a faculty committee which shall be responsible for reviewing all applications for sabbatical leave and making recommendations to the College for granting such leaves.” (p. 83, Contract)  Administration, VPAA & President approve sabbatical leave. –“ The President’s recommendation to the Board will be final. ” (p. 83, Contract)

6 6 Process & Important Dates  Application must be signed by Department Chair prior to sabbatical committee review. –How will responsibilities be covered during absence?  Signed application to Sabbatical Committee by October 15 “ of the academic year prior to the academic year for which the leave is to be granted. ” (p. 83, Contract) –Plan about 2 years in advance.  Sabbatical committee forwards the application & its recommendation to the VPAA by November 15 (p. 83, Contract)

7 7 Process & Important Dates  VPAA approves or not. –If approved, President presents it to the Board for final approval.  “Where the Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Committee disagree an appeal can be brought to the President.” (p. 83, Contract) –Sabbatical Committee gives favorable recommendation & VPAA does not approve.  “Faculty members shall be notified of the outcome of the application no later than January 31...” (p. 83, Contract) –After the January Board meeting. Dr. Smith’s slide

8 8 Process Upon Completion “Upon completing a sabbatical a faculty member shall submit a five-page report detailing his/her activities during the sabbatical.” [to the VPAA] (p. 82, Contract) Dr. Smith’s slide

9 9 Web Site & Application Form Application form/proposal  Document, document, document!  Details, details, details!  Justify, justify, justify!  Similar to writing a grant application.

10 10 Leave for Professional Advancement “Sabbatical leaves (Leaves for Professional Advancement) may be granted to faculty members for study and research, pursuit of an advanced degree or for creative work in their discipline.... In justifying the request the faculty member shall explain the plans for the leave, state the length of the leave desired, and sign an agreement to continue his or her services at the College for at least one (1) academic year following the termination of the leave.” (p. 81, Contract)

11 11 Increasing Odds for Approval  Doctoral Candidate –“Priority shall be given to faculty members who are doctoral candidates at accredited institutions and who have completed all course requirements and are engaged in dissertation research or dissertation writing.” (p. 81, Contract) –“If sabbatical leave is for the completion of a doctoral dissertation and the recipient fails to receive the degree within 1.5 academic years upon returning from the sabbatical leave; said recipient will be responsible to repay 15% of their annual salary over a one-year period following the 1.5 year deadline. If there are extenuating circumstances, the VPAA may extend the deadline.” (p. 82, Contract)

12 12 Increasing Odds for Approval  NOT Doctoral –Scholarly idea/activity of merit Creative work in discipline –p. 81 of Contract Advancement & benefit to academic/college community different from professional development –Guideline #8a –Relevant to current discipline –Convincing and justified written proposal

13 13 Some Reasons for Non-Approval  Doctoral and NOT Doctoral –Not eligible Contract, p. 82 –More professional development than ADVANCEMENT Guideline #8a and Contract, p. 81 –Not relevant to current discipline Contract, p. 81 –Not justified Contract, p. 81 –Multiple applicants from same department Guidelines 6 & 7, Contract, p. 82 –No evidence outcome will be shared w/ community Guideline #8c –Written proposal not fully developed & documented Guideline #9 –Budget Administrative reason

14 Questions

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