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I Peter 5:1-11. True Happiness?  Acquiring more things?  More personal achievements?  Greater personal power?  Psalm 144:15.

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Presentation on theme: "I Peter 5:1-11. True Happiness?  Acquiring more things?  More personal achievements?  Greater personal power?  Psalm 144:15."— Presentation transcript:

1 I Peter 5:1-11

2 True Happiness?  Acquiring more things?  More personal achievements?  Greater personal power?  Psalm 144:15

3 An Attitude of Humble Submission  Home  Church  Government  Workplace  School

4 Jesus the Servant King  Christ’s example- Matthew 20:28 Philippians 2:7  Christ teaching to His disciples (us) Matthew 20:26,27 John 13:14,15

5 Humility a Key to Happiness?  Recognizing who is in charge-v.6  Grace-v.5  Supernatural peace- v.7 Philippians 4:6,7  It’s upside down world- Matthew 5:3-10  The way up is down-v.6  Experiencing the character of God-John 3:16

6 How is God Calling You to Serve?  Time  Talent  Finances  Health and strength  Use it or loose it

7 Grace A Servant Community  Small Groups  Missions  Discipleship  Christian Education  Outreach  Youth  Prayer  Music and Worship  Care  Fellowship and nurture  Stewardship  Board of managers  Finance  Tech  Coffee with a difference, men’s prayer breakfast, II Timothy’s

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