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CHAPTER 6.1 RUNNING WATER Chrom = color Chron = time Chrys = gold, yellow Cide = to kill Cise = to cut Circ = around Clam = shout Clar = clear Clud = close.

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Presentation on theme: "CHAPTER 6.1 RUNNING WATER Chrom = color Chron = time Chrys = gold, yellow Cide = to kill Cise = to cut Circ = around Clam = shout Clar = clear Clud = close."— Presentation transcript:

1 CHAPTER 6.1 RUNNING WATER Chrom = color Chron = time Chrys = gold, yellow Cide = to kill Cise = to cut Circ = around Clam = shout Clar = clear Clud = close Cline = lean Co = together Find a word in which each root is used. Write the root, it’s meaning, the word, and the word’s meaning. Turn in for a grade.

2 The WATER CYCLE 1 2 3 4 6 7 5 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

3 Earth’s Water Balance World Precipitation Map Animation Precipitation is more over continents … … and evaporation is more over oceans.

4 Streamflow = how a stream or river flows Gravity influences the way water moves to the oceans.

5 velocity = the distance water travels in a period of time. Pg 160 Figure 3

6 gradient = the slope of a stream channel expressed as the vertical drop over a certain distance. (pg 160 Figure 4)

7 stream channel = the course (path) a stream follows.

8 discharge = the volume of water flowing past a certain point in a given unit of time. (pg 161 Table 1) Hydrologists measured stream discharge and took water samples to determine how much sediment is suspended in the stream and how much sediment is moving along the streambed. USGS Photograph taken on April 27, 1985, by Lyn Topinka.

9 Since May 18, 1980, when Mt St Helens erupted, sediment transport rates for the rivers flanking Mount St. Helens, especially the Toutle River, have been among the highest in the world. More than 20 million tons of suspended sediment was transported from the Toutle River basin in the first 7 months after the May 18, eruption, or 15 million tons in only 13 days. About 39 million tons of suspended sediment was transported from October 1981 to September 1982, enough to cover an average city block to a depth of 8 kilometers. Since 1980, storms have been of only low to moderate intensity; consequently, less than 5 percent of the total volume of the avalanche deposit has been removed by erosion, so it will persist as a sediment-management problem for many years.

10 Stream profiles = cross-sectional view of a stream from its source to its mouth.

11 Tributary = a stream or river that empties into another stream or river. tributaries Rutherfordton Broad River

12 Headwaters = all of the streams that combine to make a larger stream. Delta = deposited soil from a river that build up until it rises above the water. Base level = lowest point to which a stream can erode its channel.

13 and-oxbow.html Meanders = curves that develop in the course of a river. Oxbow = area where a meander curves met. Meander Oxbow

14 Two types of Base Level: 1.Temporary Base Level = where water levels off temporarily. 2.Ultimate Base Level = where water levels off permanently. Temporary Base Level Ultimate Base Level

15 The velocity at the headwaters of a river is less than at the mouth of the river. And this is the Mississippi River also. Mississippi River


17 World’s Longest Rivers Fun Quiz Longest%20Rivers.html

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