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German Propaganda From WWII. . The text: "Long live Germany!."

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Presentation on theme: "German Propaganda From WWII. . The text: "Long live Germany!.""— Presentation transcript:

1 German Propaganda From WWII

2 . The text: "Long live Germany!."



5 Caption: A picture of German economic life in 1930: Each column shows a branch of the German economy, The figure to the left shows the total number of companies. The number of Jewish firms is shown by the black bar, the non- Jewish by the white bar.

6 Caption: "Eastern Jewish districts develop... What Kant called "a nation of cheaters" moved to the promised land of Germany. Every day newspapers (even those not hostile to the Jews) report the dishonest dealings of Eastern Jews

7 "He who wears this symbol is an enemy of our people."

8 Caption: "Then and Now." The cartoon shows a Jew stealing a farm before the Nazi takeover, but afterwards he is stopped by the law. (16 January 1934)

9 Caption: "If you give people enough time, they get the idea." A Jew, a communist and a socialist are talking, "It's been a year and they still have not let us back in. It is beginning to look like they don't want us..." (30 January 1934)

10 A quotation from Joseph Goebbels: "It was the Jews who discovered Marxism. It is the Jews who for decades have attempted to revolutionize the world with it."

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