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Putting it All Together: How to apply to college, meet every deadline and still enjoy senior year! Mr. Dan Miller Mrs. Sue Biemeret SHS College Counselors.

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Presentation on theme: "Putting it All Together: How to apply to college, meet every deadline and still enjoy senior year! Mr. Dan Miller Mrs. Sue Biemeret SHS College Counselors."— Presentation transcript:

1 Putting it All Together: How to apply to college, meet every deadline and still enjoy senior year! Mr. Dan Miller Mrs. Sue Biemeret SHS College Counselors Ms. Terese Sullivan Special Education Transition Counselor

2 What You’ll Learn Application deadlines College application process Transcript request process Timeline for senior year Better understand how to make it through senior year!

3 NOW Finalize your college app list Visit colleges Last chance to take ACT or SAT Apply online at or Search for scholarships at

4 Scholarships Always listed in Naviance Some schools limit number of SHS applicants: Morehead-Cain [North Carolina] Wells [Indiana] Jefferson [Virginia] Emory Scholars Local Scholarships are available in February Watch for deadlines!

5 Timeline - Now Meet with college reps in CCC List posted in Naviance, in CCC and on SNN— changes daily so keep checking! 9/9, 4th hour, U Illinois [West Auditorium] 9/10, 2 nd hour, Indiana [West Auditorium] 9/11, 1st hour, Iowa [Recital Hall] 9/19, 3rd hour, Missouri [West Auditorium] All other rep visits take place in CCC Create pass 2 school days prior to visit in CCC! Need teacher permission to attend.

6 College Visits – Brand New Protocol!! Goodbye “blue college pass” Hello Naviance student-printed pass Log on to Naviance Click on “Colleges” “View all upcoming college visits” “Sign up” Print confirmation page Put your SHS ID number on this page Bring page to teacher for approval at least 2 days prior to visit Teacher always has final say regarding your attendance at rep visit…

7 College Visits

8 College Visits

9 College Visits

10 College Apps, Round 1 Major Deadline #1: All public university apps must be filed by October 15th!! Includes application, transcript, test scores, any other required information [essay, letters of recommendation, etc.] Extremely crucial at Illinois, Indiana and Michigan…

11 College Apps Major Deadline #2: If you are applying Early Decision or Early Action to any college, plan to file complete application by October 15 th Remember that many of ED/EA apps require teacher/counselor letters, so be sure to ask by mid- September….

12 College Apps Major Deadline #3: ALL four-year university applications should be filed by DECEMBER 1 st Aim to finish the entire college application process Only exception: 2-year apps, which should be filed by March 1st

13 Other Fall Events College Athletic Evening September 8, 4 pm, Lake Forest HS National College Fair – 9/28 [Navy Pier], 11-3 or 9/29, Milwaukee, 12-3:30 National Performing Arts Fair – 10/13, Chicago H.S. for Arts, 1-3:30 CLC ICE College Fair – 10/17, 6-8 pm

14 Timeline, Continued Attend Financial Aid Seminar 1/8 File FAFSA in February Revisit colleges – Feb/March Pick up Local Scholarship packet –February Decision Day: May 1st

15 What to Do NOW Need help with Essays??? Attend a “Write Stuff” workshop in the CCC: 9:30am (late arrival) – 8/29, 9/12 7:30am (2 nd day) – 9/4, 9/10 2:35pm (8 th hour) – 9/9, 9/17 Find an “essay coach” – Teacher, Resource Center, College/Career Center You do not need to hire an outside resource!

16 Stevenson High School College Career Center If you want to know how to plan your future, LIKE us today! Goal: 1,000 likes by October 15 th !

17 Your Transcript: Registering with Parchment REGISTER WITH PARCHMENT.COM All transcripts sent electronically through Parchment Complete registration process by going to Student or parent can establish account If student is minor, parent should establish account If student is 18, student should establish account Please note: We are not processing any transcripts until September 6 th to guarantee accuracy of every transcript we send….

18 PARCHMENT.COM How to Register Click on “Sign In” in upper right corner of Parchment home page Follow prompts to complete registration process Make a note of your password! Required Information: Email, Password, Name [as it appears on SHS transcript], Date of Birth Once completed, you can begin to send transcripts to colleges

19 “My Transcript” The only tab you need to access to send transcripts You will receive prompts to complete a Parchment Profile – JUST SAY NO and skip This feature sends information about you to colleges; more marketing than counseling For great, accurate college info, log on to Naviance!

20 Parchment Registering “Date started” high school is 2010 “Last Year Attendance” is 2014 Student ID and Social Security Info is optional; Parchment stores data by name and birth date Must indicate that you have your parents’ permission to create account Must sign FERPA release form; we encourage you to waive right to view recommendation info When asked, be sure to list the Adlai Stevenson High School in Illinois! Each time you sign in, scroll down to “My Transcripts” to view or send your transcript to colleges

21 FERPA? Why should you consider waiving your right of access? Waiving your right lets colleges know that you will never try to read your recommendations. That in turn reassures colleges that your recommenders have provided support that is candid and truthful. While you are free to respond as you wish, if you choose not to waive your right, some recommenders may decline your request, and some colleges may disregard letters submitted on your behalf. Remember, even if you retain your right of access, you still won't be able to view any recommendations until after you have been admitted to and enrolled in a college. In other words, FERPA does not give you the right to inspect recommendations before they are sent to your colleges. For more information on FERPA follow this link:

22 Managing Your Parchment Transcript You can view, or send your transcript to colleges View your transcript to use as reference tool as you complete applications An unofficial copy of your SHS transcript will be sent to your Parchment account. [This is not official; colleges receive updated official transcripts.] To send a transcript to college, click Send button Click on “Academic Destination” to send transcript to college [Be sure to choose the right college!] [Can also send to NCAA and other destinations….]

23 Requesting Your Parchment Transcript Most transcripts sent to midwestern colleges will be delivered FREE $2.55 fee for other transcripts sent Due to contract between Parchment and the State of Illinois

24 Two Last Words about Transcripts Do not send transcript to Common Application schools through Parchment!! Counselor will deliver all Common App transcripts at no charge More to follow on Common App…. The earliest college deadline is October 15 th, so no need to panic about deadlines!!

25 Transcript Requests –One last thing… It takes time for Parchment to process your transcript… It takes time for the college to process your transcript request and add it to your electronic file, so… PLEASE wait 3 weeks before inquiring if your transcript has been uploaded into a college’s info system and attached to your application! “Electronic” does not mean “instant”

26 Big News from Some Big Schools NO TRANSCRIPT REQUIRED IN APPLICATION PROCESS at: U Illinois, U Iowa, U Kansas, U California,U Georgia, Iowa State, Northern Illinois You will self-report all your courses, semester grades and senior year courses online Use your Parchment transcript as a guide If you are admitted and plan to attend one of these schools, a final transcript will be required.

27 Tips for University of Illinois Process Use your Parchment transcript as a reference tool as you complete your UIUC app Attention to detail is very important Attend our Workshop on application: 9/16,8 th hour in 2104 Application goes live on 9/1

28 The Common Application Attend a Workshop on Common App: 9/10, 8 th hour 9/17, 7:30 am 9/20, 9:30 am Used at 520 colleges Brand new format this fall, debuted on 8/1 Create account at: 99% of schools have supplements [usually more essays…] Focus on asking for recommendations and sending transcript today [under “My Colleges, Assign Reommenders”]

29 COMMON APP SCHOOL FORMS #2 When completing your Common App, invite your counselor to be a recommender—KEY STEP FOR Common App! [This will email your counselor to submit your school forms online.] THIS IS ALL YOU HAVE TO DO TO SEND A TRANSCRIPT TO ALL COMMON APP SCHOOLS. [Greatly simplified process!! It’s FREE!!] Tip: Make an appointment with your counselor before you invite them!

30 COMMON APP SCHOOL FORMS #1 “Invite” teacher[s] to write a recommendation for Common App This initiates process for teachers, who can submit letters online or on paper Tip: Speak with your teacher[s] before you invite them

31 The Lowdown on Letters of Recommendation Check to be sure you even need a letter! Check college website. [There should be a reason you’re sending letter[s]. Be sure to ask teacher/counselor at least 3 weeks before any deadline Complete a College Recommendation Form [available in CCC or on our website], copy and give to each recommender Be sure to give recommender any additional required forms. If rec must be mailed, provide each recommender with pre- addressed and stamped envelopes. [Most recs can go online…] If using Common App, “invite” teacher to write a letter online; you can complete request process online Be sure to write/email a “thank you” to each recommender!

32 College Application Process Begin to complete online apps Tip: Make copy of every app you send Arrange to send ACT/SAT scores [ or] IF you need teacher/counselor recommendations, ask NOW! Arrange to send electronic transcript from Parchment, if needed

33 CCC Support Write Stuff workshops: 9:30-10:15: 8/29, 9/12 7:30-8:15: 9/4, 9/10 8 th hour: 9/9, 9/17 UIUC Application Workshop: 8 th hour, 9/16, 2104 Common Application Workshops: 9/10, 8 th hour 9/17, 7:30 – 8:15 9/20, 9:30 – 10:15 CCC Hours: 7:00 am – 3:30 pm LIKE US ON FACEBOOK Stevenson High School College Career Center

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