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Pau Rausell Köster, Raül Abeledo Sanchis: RESEARCH AREA IN CULTURAL ECONOMICS Tel: 963828645 Third Session:

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Presentation on theme: "Pau Rausell Köster, Raül Abeledo Sanchis: RESEARCH AREA IN CULTURAL ECONOMICS Tel: 963828645 Third Session:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pau Rausell Köster, Raül Abeledo Sanchis: RESEARCH AREA IN CULTURAL ECONOMICS HTTP:// Tel: 963828645 Third Session: From the Local Cultural System to the cultural organisations

2 LOCAL CULTURAL SYSTEM The expression “Local Cultural System (LCS)” (Carrasco, 1999) is a conceptual apparatus, with practice willingness, that attempts to synthesize all the elements, variables and relationships of interdependence involved in the shaping of a local cultural reality. It is cognitive map that gives account of the elements and the relationships that we have to consider when we ask for a diagnosis of a particular local culture. With the term "system", we refer to a more or less complete schema of the cultural relations in a local territory, but always with the feet placed on the floor, so the scheme is operational and points at a glance and as accurately as possible, what about we should gather information

3 LOCAL CULTURAL SYSTEN The LCS could be analysed in three levels Level I Supralocal institutions Level II Level III

4 LOCAL CULTURAL SYSTEM Table 1. Types of LCS, depending on the style of the vertical relationships Degree of autonomy (proportion of programs defined by the LCS in reference of the number total of programs) HighLow Degree of collaboration (proportion of resources provided by the supralocal entities in reference of the total amount of resources) High Type 1. Node with capacity of leadership Type 2. Dependent /subordinated node Low Type 3. Independent /disconnected node Type 4. Anomic node Source: Own elaboration Level I

5 SOCIO-ECONOMIC-DEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS C U L T U R A L R E S O U R C E S LOCAL CULTURAL SYSTEM Level II Institutional / Public Cultural Policy Institutional model Budget Third Sector Private Sector Cultural organizations Cultural institutions Individuals Companies C U L T U R A L A G E N T S PRODUCTION DISTRIBUTIONCONSUMPTION CULTURAL DEMAND LOCAL DEMAND EXTERNAL DEMAND LATENT DEMAND (Not expressed or exported) CULTURAL USES AND PRACTICES NOT MEDIATED Residents Visitors Cultural Infrastructures CULTURAL SUPPLY PROGRAMS GOODS AND SERVICES FORMATION


7 Directive. Technical. Auxiliary. Human resources Professionals Volunteers Gender Education Age. Content on creativity and innovation Physical and financial resources Equipments, infrastructures Symbolic Resources Budget Meanings, significants, discourses Physical Characteristics Ownerships Promoters Relational Resources Kind of budget (conditioned, by projects,… I N P U T S Recrutiment Formal and Informal networks FUNCTION OF PRODUCTION

8 MANAGEMENT MODEL Human resources management Organization chart Communication Information model Budgetary Financial control ORGANIZATIONAL MODEL VISION AND MISION INSTITUTIONAL AND LEGAL FRAMEWORK Avaluation. Estrategic thinking….. TECHNOLOGIES PRODUCTION PROCESS

9 OUPUTS FUNCTION OF PRODUCTION Goods Services IMPACTS Audiences Non Audiences Books. Other Publications. DVD, CD’s Web pages. Crafts. Paintings, Sculptures. Other artistic artefacts. Products Gifts, Merchandising ………… Events, festivals Art. Performances Formation, Discourses ………… Research. Expertise Consulting Know How Cultural Management ………… Spaces for creation. Scholarships. Spaces or channels for diffusion or distribution. Inclusion in networks Cognitive, aesthetic, spiritual impacts. Entertainment Education. Values, significances Sense of belonging, identity Direct economic impacts (in terms of occupation or added value) Territorial branding. Attractiveness Competitiveness Cultural capital Satisfaction of cultural demands Quality of life Social Cohesion Economic Impact Territory Predisposition to social, political and economic innovations Other Social effects

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