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Follow-Ups and Notes. Project News LMC R2E (SEE Events) Update (see link)link RadWG SEE list (link) and Post-Mortem Database (link) synchronizedlink MCWG.

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Presentation on theme: "Follow-Ups and Notes. Project News LMC R2E (SEE Events) Update (see link)link RadWG SEE list (link) and Post-Mortem Database (link) synchronizedlink MCWG."— Presentation transcript:

1 Follow-Ups and Notes

2 Project News LMC R2E (SEE Events) Update (see link)link RadWG SEE list (link) and Post-Mortem Database (link) synchronizedlink MCWG meeting (link): MD, radiation levelslink RadWG meeting (link):H4IRRAD results, PSI, TRAD component test review, final report available (link) -> we start component tests with themlink H4IRRAD next slot (October 18 th – November 7 th ) 25ns MD: last one didn’t take place, slot for next one, but also possible during ‘floating MD’

3 All Budget: what will be really spent until the end of the year (please check also pipelines)

4 Integration & Implementation L. Scibile: dismantling both the ventilation duct and the wall doesn’t pose a problem for CE -> shall we rediscuss? Safe-Room bottleneck (see discussion later) – Priority (for us) is R2E criticality and long-term flexibility EN/EL Supervision -> outside safe-room and relocated Lights -> surface, AUG -> relocated, CE work: contractor has a problem with the two-week window -> extra week required (solved by earlier start?); in terms of layout drawings all is fine now? ICL approvals -> any open issue? (PAD solved) ECRs and list of remaining equipment (xCheck with Giovanni and inventory) Water cooled cables (long delays), TENDER due? CE: drawing & layouts: status?

5 Planning xMasBreak actions -> open issues? Shift-work for CE -> possible? Point-5: what is the final length? – How much can we gain by ‘reducing’ the number of racks (e.g., leaving the most robust ‘behind’) – Out of experience Point-1: open problems? Co-Activities and expected bottle-necks (man- power?) -> EN/EL only

6 RadWG Next Radiation tests (PSI) not yet defined Components on the list from last time Latch-up tests preparations ongoing Status of reports/analysis? Next meeting -> iteration of failures and mitgations (1 st preparation of review)

7 MCWG Summary on R-factor analysis (with new RadMon data) TLD status/update -> analysis for review (e.g., gradient in RA/UA ducts; P4;…) Simulations – RAMSES tests – P1 ’benchmark’ – RR shielding -> do we need it for the review? Loss evolution and analysis with BLMs (also P3/7) -> Annika Analysis of radiation levels in P4 -> for the review? Technical drawings and monitor locations (updates,…) Tight collimator settings, will there be any further tests so that we can learn something -> IR7 loss distribution

8 Safe-Room Discussion

9 Input/Output 15.03.20119R2E Safe Room Discussion © N. Dos Santos

10 Safe-Rooms (P5, P7) List of Racks: – Stay: ESD 1 to 3, ECD 1 & 2, EYB01 (empty), EAD2, EYP01, CYRR01 – Outside Safe-Room: EOD1, EYC01 to EYU03 – New Safe-Room (patch in old one): ECD 01 & 02, EYU01, SYAFD01 and ESU & ECG (48V) but in reduced size (lights on surface) – Surface: EYP + ? (lights) R2E Importance: – EN/EL Supervision (EOD1, EYC01 to EYU03) – Lights (safety related) and reducing 48V load – AUG (in case an upgrade is once required) Surface No SR SR simple? Circuit breakers will be tested at H4IRRAD Already tested Battery charger, Inverters?, New PLC System (replacement), will be tested

11 Safe-Rooms (P5, P7) Main Constraints: – P5: planning is already too packed without additional equipment, bottleneck likely for UP cabling – P7: no (realistic) way to create easily a new safe- room Proposed (R2E) Strategy: – Focus on R2E important equipment in LS1 – Foresee space for future additional work in the layout (e.g., larger safe-room) – Prioritize according importance of equipment and to what is possible in the planning (keeping a margin)

12 15.03.201112R2E Safe Room Discussion

13 What’s Inside Ordered by ‘guessed’ sensitivity (radiation & operation!): EN/EL control system (?independent part for safety?) Electrical supervision (DTU) 18/0.4 kV transformer protection system 48 Vdc – chargers, batteries, commutation and distribution Safety lighting source + distribution (« ambiance + anti-panique ») Main LV switchboard for safety equipment Second. LV switchboard for safety equipment AUG rack GSM Fire Detection rack Red/general telephone rack 15.03.201113R2E Safe Room Discussion Not critical (monitoring)and can be easily relocated Already relocated © N. Dos Santos

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