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2012 HIS Session 2 What’s new with Traffic Monitoring? Bicycle and Pedestrian Data Collection FHWA - Washington DC Steven Jessberger 202-366-5052.

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Presentation on theme: "2012 HIS Session 2 What’s new with Traffic Monitoring? Bicycle and Pedestrian Data Collection FHWA - Washington DC Steven Jessberger 202-366-5052."— Presentation transcript:

1 2012 HIS Session 2 What’s new with Traffic Monitoring? Bicycle and Pedestrian Data Collection FHWA - Washington DC Steven Jessberger 202-366-5052

2 Why is Pedestrian and Bicycle data needed? Safety Programs Inter-modal Design and Project Selection Travel Trends Livability Measures

3 Pedestrian and Bicycle Research FHWA Study on current methods ◦ Most equipment not being verified ◦ Most counts are done manually – over 50% National Bike and Pedestrian DP ◦ Need for National Formats ◦ National B & P Storage ◦ Desire for good Quality Control ◦ Need for Factoring Methods

4 Bicycle and Pedestrian Policy US DOT 2010 Policy Statement on Bicycle and Pedestrian Accommodation ◦ Recommendations:  …establishing routine collection of non-motorized trip information.  A byproduct of improved data collection is that communities can establish targets for increasing the percentage of trips made by walking and bicycling.

5 FHWA Leadership on Bike and Pedestrian Data Collection 2012 Traffic Monitoring Guide Formats Interoffice Agreement TMAS Future version with Bicycle and Pedestrian Data ◦ Quality Control of the data ◦ National Database ◦ Reports for B & P Data ◦ Exporting of B & P Data ◦ Sharing of B & P Data – GIS based system

6 B & P Formats in 2012 TMG TMG (2012) to include a station file format for both pedestrian and bicycle counts from point based locations ◦ Field defined format with station specific identifiers ◦ Flexible for both pedestrian, bicycle or mixed use sites ◦ Fixed field width or variable (| - “pipe”) width fields capability

7 B & P Formats in 2012 TMG TMG (2012) to include a volume file format for both pedestrian and bicycle data from point based locations ◦ Variable time in 5, 15, or 60 minute intervals ◦ Weather and temperature inputs (optional) ◦ Flexible for both pedestrian, bicycle or mixed use sites Not for classification counts Not for spatial based counts

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