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Kitchen Cleanliness Excellent Student BSAP Fall 2007 TA Name: Betsy Saur.

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1 Kitchen Cleanliness Excellent Student BSAP Fall 2007 TA Name: Betsy Saur

2 Setting and Participant Description The intervention was conducted at Nisker’s Bar and Restaurant The participant consisted of the nightly kitchen staff

3 Reason to Intervene Maintaining a sanitary kitchen is the primary goal of an owner of a restaurant The kitchen was only getting cleaned less than 65% of the time

4 Reason to Intervene Cont. After conferring with the owner, I had decided to implement a performance management contingency to produce desired behavior

5 Analyze the Natural Contingencies The Ineffective Natural Reinforcement Contingency: If the employee completes one cleaning task the kitchen will be infinitesimally more sanitary Yet this contingency is quite too small to control the behavior of cleaning

6 Analyze the Natural Contingencies The Natural Competing Penalty Contingency: Completing each cleaning task in the kitchen allows less time for the employee to socialize with his co-workers and friends Therefore carrying out the kitchen tasks also had some penalizing properties

7 Analyze the Natural Contingencies Ineffective Natural Contingency Given level of cleanliness in kitchen Complete one cleaning task in kitchen to a standard Infinitesimally greater level of Cleanliness in kitchen

8 Analyze the Natural Contingencies Natural Competing Contingency Given time to socialize with friends Complete one cleaning task in kitchen to a standard Less time to socialize with friends

9 Baseline Graph Sample graph

10 Baseline Graph Description Although the employee was aware of what he needed to clean, it was decided by the owner that the behavior was insufficient The data presented has a mean of less than 65%

11 Specify the Performance Objectives The main objective of the intervention was to attain a 100% completion of kitchen cleaning tasks

12 Input-Process-Output Model (Clean Kitchen) [Output] Production: Clean Kitchen to an above satisfactory standard [Process] (Dirty Kitchen) [Input]

13 Goal Specification Form Output Clean Kitchen Standards Quality CurrentIdeal 65% or less of kitchen cleaned to a standard 92% or more of kitchen cleaned to a standard Quantity All workers Timeliness Before employee clocks-out Cost N/A$25 ProcessClean kitchen to an above satisfactory standard Production: XDistribution_ __R&D__ _ InputDirty Kitchen

14 Design the Intervention Target Behavior –Employee completing 92% or more of nightly cleaning tasks in kitchen Performance Manager –Owner/Manager Intervention –Verbal feedback and the opportunity to earn an incentive

15 Design the Intervention Performance Management Contingency Will not have an opp. to earn $25 gift card Complete one cleaning task in kitchen Will have an opp. to earn $25 gift card Fear of loss of opp. to earn $25 gift card Complete one cleaning task in kitchen Doesn’t fear the loss of opp. to earn $25

16 Implement the Intervention Wednesday November 7, 2008 Job aides were posted and explained to the nightly employee Verbal feedback was provided each week

17 Evaluate the Intervention Sample graph

18 IOA The IOA was conducted by the manager and I We had an overall 93% of IOA Calculated by the number of instances we took data out of one hundred Then multiply the number of instances agreed upon by the previous number

19 Evaluate the Intervention Once the job aide was in place, the completion of cleaning tasks in kitchen rose and never fell under 92% The visual aide serves as a checklist of which the employee may use to complete the desired tasks

20 Recycle There is no need to recycle However, if one had trouble obtaining high performance, allowing the employee to choose out of a number of incentives could increase the frequency of behavior This could potentially find the best form of reinforcement for a particular employee

21 Hypothetical data

22 Personal Experience Being able to go anywhere and utilize the effects of performance management to improve life and business really is awesome The intervention I have developed is a large step for me in being able to use my abilities and experience behavior analysis firsthand

23 Manager and Employees’ Experience The owner of the restaurant was quite impressed and will continue the intervention for a clean kitchen however he may change the incentive

24 Questions or Comments???

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