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Published byAlexina Small Modified over 9 years ago
John Drugan 3 rd Grade Welcome, Parents, Guardians & students!
Meet Ms. Guardado I am excited to start this 2015-2016 school year as your child's 3rd grade teacher. 10 th year teaching UTEP 2005 Previously taught: 1 st grade for seven years Starting my third year in 3 rd grade Thank you again for giving me the opportunity to be part of your child's successful education! “The best teachers are those who show you where to look, but don't tell you what to see.” Alexandra K. Trenfor
Welcome to Third Grade! Our class Schedule 7:40– 8:00 Breakfast/ Announcement 8:00 – 8:45 – Super School 8:45 – 9:05 Target the Question 9:05 – 10:40 Math 10:40 – 11:17 – Lunch 11:17 – 12:50 – Reading/ Centers 12:50 – 1:35 – P.E 1:40 – 1: 50 - DOL 1:50 – 2:20 – Writing Workshop 2:20 – 3:15 – Science / Social Studies Olweus (Friday) 3:15 - Dismissal
Our Goals To give the students academic and social skills they need to progress to fourth grade. To provide a supportive and instructional learning classroom environment.
Class Expectations
* Be Responsible Ask questions & participate Complete assignments on time exercise self control *Be Respectful & Kind People and Personal Property *Be Prepared School supplies Staying on task *Be on time Absences & Tardies
Parent Responsibilities Read agendas daily Help/Monitor your child with daily homework Help build on new vocabulary Praise your child on all accomplishments
Behavior Chart Every Morning we Start on Green “Responsible behavior ” OR Reward for good behavior move up to: Blue “Exemplary Behavior” Consequences: Verbal Warning Yellow “ Warning Broke a Rule” Purple “Letter home to parents” Red “Parent Phone Call / Office Referral” Automatic suspension Rock throwing Fence Climbing
Agendas / Planners A signature will be put on the agenda for good behavior and/or for students progress. Based on our Behavior chart Exemplary behavior Responsible behavior Warning – Please sign everyday to acknowledge your child's behavior.
Rewards Stickers / Pencils Good note home Positive Phone calls Free Dress Prizes “Terrific Kid” Award
Attendance Policy As per Texas School Compulsory Attendance Law, students between the ages of 6 and 17 must attend school a minimum of 90% of the school days. -Written notes due to front office within 48 hours to excuse absence. -If student is absent for 3 consecutive days, a note from a doctor licensed to practice medicine in the U.S. is required. -Students will have two days for each day absent to make up work missed
Attendance Continued In addition, please be aware that if your address or telephone number change during the school year, you must contact the attendance office to update this information. If your child comes to school but is pulled out before 10:00am they will be marked absent for the entire day. If you are bringing your child in late and after 10:00am, your child will still be counted absent (not tardy). INCLEMENT WEATHER Students will wait in the cafeteria or other designated area before school when the weather prevents them from going outside. For information concerning the cancellation of school/delay, listen to KTSM 1380 (AM) or 93.1 (FM) at 6:00 a.m. or check the web site
TARDIES Final morning bell rings at 7:45
Make it Count School starts at 7:45 A.M. The first bell will ring at 7:40 am, If you are not in the classroom by the time the second bell rings at 7:45 a.m., please check in at the school office before coming to class. Please make sure students come to school everyday Perfect attendance Trophies will be given at the end of the year
All visitors must enter through the front of the building, and report immediately to the office. All visitors requesting to proceed to another area of the building must wear a visitor’s badge. Badges must be obtained in the front desk. Parents wishing to meet with teachers need to schedule an appointment during the teachers assigned conference time. Parents should never go directly to their child’s classroom without getting a pass from the office.
Uniforms Pants Black or Khaki, Dockers style pants. No baggie pants or cargo pants. Shirts White, Royal, Blue, or UTEP orange Polo shirts. Shirts must be tucked in at all times
The use of telecommunication devices and other devices in class will be at the teacher’s discretion and should be only used for academic purposes. Students who use a device in any way that violates the law, Board Policy, or the Student Code of Conduct shall be subject to disciplinary action. student’s failure to promptly and peacefully relinquish a device will result in more serious disciplinary action. Devices will be returned only to a parent/guardian. Multiple infractions will lead to a $15 return fee
DROPOFF LOCATIONS /PARKING/TRAFFIC SAFETY Note that parking is not allowed within school zones and the bus loading and unloading area. Parking or stopping at crosswalks is not allowed. “U” turns in school zone are prohibited.
Daily Grades60% Quizzes, drawings, foldables Major Grades 30% Unit exams Interactive Student Notebook check 9 weeks assessment10%
Is assigned every night Monday thru Thursday. Spelling, Fluency Folders, Math and Reading is consistently on a weekly basis. If the students complete their homework for the whole week, PAT time is rewarded the last 15 mins of school on Friday. homework for all classes should not exceed more than one hour per night. Projects due after an extended time do not count towards that 1 hour.
Redo Students are returned their graded papers at the beginning of the week. I will be placing assignments that have received a grade of 69 or lower in the REDO folder. It is the students responsibility to check the redo folder for their assignment. Students will then have 5 days (1 week) to complete the redos. Redos will be done the first 15 minutes of the day and after the 5 th day their redo will be picked up. Once completed students must put their redone assignment in DONE folder. Any papers left behind in the REDO folder will then be returned and the grades will remain as such. The two grades will be averaged and the result will be the final grade. Students shall be given one opportunity to redo a failed assignment or test
STAAR Testing State of Texas Assessment Academic Readiness STAAR tests in reading and mathematics, by law, must be linked from grade to grade to performance expectations A student will begin the test after instruction then have 4 hours to complete the test. They will have a supervised 30 minute lunch period. The test are collected and locked during lunch. The 4 hour time limit stops when the student is eating lunch and continues after lunch is over. However, if a student must get up to use the restroom, they will not be allowed extra time - they will lose time from their 4 hour time limit. May 9-13, 2015 – Math & Reading testing
REPORT CARDS / PROGRESS REPORTS The Socorro Independent School District has implemented a nine-week grading policy. Progress reports will be sent home at the third and six week point of each grading period.
OLWEUS Bullying is prohibited at John Drugan. All students are expected to abide by the following rules as adopted from the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, 2012: I. Drugan Dragons will not bully others; II. Drugan Dragons will help students who are bullied; III. Drugan Dragons will integrate all students; IV. If we know of someone being bullied, we will notify an adult at school and an adult at home.
Breakfast / Lunch Free breakfast in the classroom. Menu available online. Has become
Communication Parents please keep in mind that we must keep in constant communication to check on your child’s progress. Please call me if you have any question or concerns. You may get hold of me through the school agendas, telephone calls, email, or in person during my conference period 12:55- 1:30. 937-6854 (during conference hours) 12:55-1:30
Web Page Please also note that you also have our school web page to help you.
Web Page
Thank you Let’s Have a Great Year! Any questions?
Beyond Excellence!
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