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Promoting ICT in Developing Regions Love Ekenberg Professor of Computer Science Acting Director SPIDER Dept. of Computer and Systems Sciences Stockholm.

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Presentation on theme: "Promoting ICT in Developing Regions Love Ekenberg Professor of Computer Science Acting Director SPIDER Dept. of Computer and Systems Sciences Stockholm."— Presentation transcript:

1 Promoting ICT in Developing Regions Love Ekenberg Professor of Computer Science Acting Director SPIDER Dept. of Computer and Systems Sciences Stockholm University and KTH IT-University

2 Motivation - There are a number of local initiatives at the universities and it is important to organize cooperation. -No single university in Sweden has all the resources and competence necessary to cover all needs when introducing ICT at universities in developing countries. -There is a need to establish an ICT competence resource in Sweden with a guaranteed funding. Such a resource should act as a coordinating partner for Swedish universities in collaboration with SIDA and others. -There is a need for cooperation between such common resource in the Swedish academic environment in order to share, use synergies and complement the competence at collaborating universities.

3 Purpose of the Centre Spider -Promote ICT as a powerful means for poverty alleviation and human resource development. -Establish close cooperation and partnerships with donor agencies in the “ICT for development” field. -Support awareness-creating activities on the importance of ICT for development. -Support the development of ICT strategies in developing countries. -Support a number of projects in carefully selected areas, preferably in cooperation with other organizations. -Initiate and implement projects in close cooperation with local initiatives. -Function as a link between development cooperation agencies and industry. -Form partnerships with Swedish industrial enterprises.

4 Activities - Education - Research - Services - Project and program support - Public relations

5 Education - International master’s educations - Summer schools - Graduate schools - PhD programs for students enrolled at Swedish universities - Technical training and short courses - Exchange of lecturers - Curriculum development - E-learning and distance education

6 Research -Technical challenges and solutions specific for developing countries, including both global connectivity and access in remote areas. -Low-cost, low-bandwidth solutions for a number of application areas, such as, e.g., distance education and tele-medicine. -Socio-economic consequences of introducing ICTs in developing countries, e.g. gender related issues.

7 Services -Technical consultancy services -ICT master plans -National ICT policy establishment -Evaluations of research applications -Project management -Feasibility studies and special investigations -Enable contacts with Swedish industrial partners -Function as a coordinating node between collaborating institutes and partners

8 Project Support -Promote the establishment of national Programs of excellence in the area of ICTs at universities in developing countries -Create joint ventures with universities and industrial actors in developing countries -Provide initial funding for larger local joint project proposals -Provide funding for project applications -Support smaller research initiatives of high relevance

9 Public relations -Web, -Arrange visits for foreign delegates -Annual Conference. -Attract funding and sponsorships from industry as well as national and international organisations. -Provide visibility within the Swedish society -Stockholm Challenge Award,

10 Summary -The Swedish agency for development cooperation, Sida, is funding of a new research center called Spider, hosted by the IT University in Kista, north of Stockholm. -The basic purpose is to support and coordinate all Swedish academic programs, targeting the under served regions of the world. -The center will develop sections for new research, involving ICT for development, and promote its key issues at all academic levels in Sweden.

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