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Basics of Logic in Geometry. Section 2.1 – Conditionals and Converses.

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Presentation on theme: "Basics of Logic in Geometry. Section 2.1 – Conditionals and Converses."— Presentation transcript:

1 Basics of Logic in Geometry

2 Section 2.1 – Conditionals and Converses

3 Conditional Statements A Conditional Statement is a statement in the form “If ____, then _____” We often use the notation “If p, then q.” when describing a conditional statement. Ex. If it is August, then it is summer time.

4 Hypothesis and Conclusion Each conditional statement can be broken into two parts, the hypothesis and the conclusion. The hypothesis is the part of the conditional statement following “if”. The conclusion is the part of the conditional statement following “then”. Ex.If it is August, then it is summer time.

5 Truth Value Each conditional statement has a truth value. The truth value of a statement is whether it is true or false. Ex. If it is August, then it is summer time. The truth value of this statement is true. August is in the summertime.

6 Converse Statements A Converse statement is a conditional in which the hypothesis and the conclusion have been switched. Conditional: If it is August, then it is summer time. Converse: If it is summer time, then it is August. In this case, the truth value of the converse is false. Just because it is summer time, does not mean that it is August.

7 Turning a sentence into a conditional statment Dogs have tails If an animal is a dog, then it has a tail. October is in the Fall. If it is October, then it is in the Fall. Tip: Separate the sentence at the verb.

8 Practice Writing Conditionals Complete the following with your partner. You will write a total of eight sentences in this exercise. Two for each problem. 1.Write a true conditional with a true converse. 2.Write a true conditional with a false converse. 3.Write a false conditional with a true converse. 4.Write a false conditional with a false converse.

9 Homework 2.1 Pg 71 (3-42 multiples of three)

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