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Slide David Britton, University of Glasgow IET, Oct 09 1 Prof. David Britton GridPP Project leader University of Glasgow GridPP Computing for Particle.

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1 Slide David Britton, University of Glasgow IET, Oct 09 1 Prof. David Britton GridPP Project leader University of Glasgow GridPP Computing for Particle Physics in the UK NA62 TDAQ Meeting 24 th March 2010

2 Slide  The UK would like to join NA62 but so far we have not managed to secure funding.  Currently, a proposal has been submitted the EU Advanced Grants Scheme based on developing the CEDAR.  In the meantime, we would like to explore the possibility of how we could contribute using UK HEP computing resources managed by GridPP.  The key question is how can we contribute in a meaningful way? Context David Britton, University of Glasgow 2 NA62 TDAQ Meeting

3 Slide What is GridPP? David Britton, University of Glasgow 3 NA62 TDAQ Meeting  GridPP has a mandate to provide and manage the UK contribution to the world-wide LHC computing Grid.  Historically, GridPP has also provided some resources to:  non-LHC experiments (BaBar, CDF, D0, H1, ILC, Minos, MICE etc);  to theory collaborations (UKQCD, phenoGrid);  to other VO’s that are supported by EGEE (BioMed, nanoCMOS, etc… some 30 VOs);  and even to commercial partners under the knowledge-exchange banner (CAMONT, Inmense, Total-Oil Econophysica, etc.) UK’s contribution to LHC computing: - 19 UK Universities, STFC and CERN GridPP1 (2001- 2004) £17M “From Web to Grid” GridPP2 (2004 - 2008) £16M “From Prototype to Production” GridPP3 (2008 – 2011) ~£30M “From Production to Exploitation” Proposal submitted for: GridPP4 (2011 – 2015) ~£30M “Computing in the LHC era”

4 Slide GridPP Resources David Britton, University of Glasgow 4 RAL UK Tier-1 Centre NA62 TDAQ Meeting Four distributed UK Tier-2 Centres 23,000 CPUs (80% at the Tier2s) and 11PB of storage across the 19 UK sites. University of Glasgow currently hosts the largest UK Tier-2 site (2000 CPUs).

5 Slide 2009 CPU Usage David Britton, University of Glasgow 5 NA62 TDAQ Meeting UK is a large contributor Non-LHC VOs have used significant resources Glasgow is a big site A large international community have relied on GridPP resources.

6 Slide GridPP and NA62 David Britton, University of Glasgow 6  How can we contribute in a meaningful way?  GridPP has some effort that can provide “embedded support” to help new VOs get started on the Grid. However, needs something in which to be embedded with a clearly defined goal.  An NA62 VO could be enabled on Glasgow resources initially and then on other UK sites to allow opportunistic access to resources.  Presumably at this stage of NA62, the emphasis is on Monte Carlo simulations (Sensitivity studies? Trigger simulations?) and to continue with the GANGA interface used by NA48. With whom would an embedded developer work to develop? Are there other areas where we can help? NA62 TDAQ Meeting

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