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No More Gambling with the Numbers 2009 Positive Behavior Support Summer Conference July 9 & 10, 2009 Baton Rouge, Louisiana Session 22A 9:30 Session 22B.

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Presentation on theme: "No More Gambling with the Numbers 2009 Positive Behavior Support Summer Conference July 9 & 10, 2009 Baton Rouge, Louisiana Session 22A 9:30 Session 22B."— Presentation transcript:

1 No More Gambling with the Numbers 2009 Positive Behavior Support Summer Conference July 9 & 10, 2009 Baton Rouge, Louisiana Session 22A 9:30 Session 22B 12:45 2009 Positive Behavior Support Summer Conference July 9 & 10, 2009 Baton Rouge, Louisiana Session 22A 9:30 Session 22B 12:45 The Importance of Data-Based Decision Making

2 Who Cares About Data?  Administration  PBS Team  All Staff  Students  Parents  Administration  PBS Team  All Staff  Students  Parents

3 Types of Discipline Data to Analyze  Office Referral  Minor Infraction  Suspension  ISS/Detention  Survey  Office Referral  Minor Infraction  Suspension  ISS/Detention  Survey

4 Discipline Databases  District/State Information Reporting System  SWIS, School Cop, JPAM, Pentamation, E Schools Plus, SIS  Individual School Excel Spread Sheets  District/State Information Reporting System  SWIS, School Cop, JPAM, Pentamation, E Schools Plus, SIS  Individual School Excel Spread Sheets

5  Average Referrals per Day / Month  By Environment  By Location  By Motivation  By Problem Behavior  By Staff Member  Student Percent of Referrals  Top Offenders  Average Referrals per Day / Month  By Environment  By Location  By Motivation  By Problem Behavior  By Staff Member  Student Percent of Referrals  Top Offenders Report Options

6 Average Referrals per day per Month

7 By Location

8 By Environmental Factors

9 By Motivation-Function

10 By Problem Behavior and Grade

11 By Staff All other staff Bugs Bunny Elmer Fudd Gumby Scooby Doo Barney Smurf Kermit Big Bird Speed Racer Cookie Monster

12 Top Offenders

13 Referrals by Team/Grade:

14 Referrals Comparison By Quarter (Team/Grade) Team 1 st Qtr. 08-09 2 nd Qtr. 08-09 Percent Change 6 th Grade417325% Chameleons187-61% Scorpions3433% SANKOFA2116-24% Alt./Opp.14157% Cobras41-75% Diamondbacks83-62% SDC/ED1785%

15 % of Referrals

16 Percent of Referrals Data- Based Decision Making

17 Suspension Data ªNumber of students suspended ªDays missed/month ªBy grade ªBy track ªTop offenders ªWhat else? ªNumber of students suspended ªDays missed/month ªBy grade ªBy track ªTop offenders ªWhat else?

18 Questions to Consider ªHow do we decide which reports to generate? ªHow often should discipline data be reviewed? ªShould data be shared with staff? with students? ªHow do we decide which reports to generate? ªHow often should discipline data be reviewed? ªShould data be shared with staff? with students?

19 Examples of Data Based Decisions Spike in referrals between 2 nd & 3 rd periods for both 6 th grade teams Blocked elective and P.E. times to eliminate one transition Spike in referrals the last 30 minutes of the day for 8 th grade students Rearranged schedule & moved LEAP remediation to the beginning of the day to eliminate one transition Spike in referrals between 2 nd & 3 rd periods for both 6 th grade teams Blocked elective and P.E. times to eliminate one transition Spike in referrals the last 30 minutes of the day for 8 th grade students Rearranged schedule & moved LEAP remediation to the beginning of the day to eliminate one transition

20 Data Based Decisions, Cont. High number of referrals coming from a particular class Re-assignment of special education personnel to provide additional support Large number of referrals during 6 th grade lunch shift while 7 th grade students in P.E. Color coding of uniform shirts to make it immediately apparent if a student was in the wrong area. High number of referrals coming from a particular class Re-assignment of special education personnel to provide additional support Large number of referrals during 6 th grade lunch shift while 7 th grade students in P.E. Color coding of uniform shirts to make it immediately apparent if a student was in the wrong area.

21 Data Based Decisions, Cont. High number of referrals for certain teachers after other possible contributing factors have been eliminated Development of after school support mtgs. to work on classroom management Suspension data revealed frequent fights Developed “Peaceful Day Count-Up” competition between teams with high powered reinforcement activities High number of referrals for certain teachers after other possible contributing factors have been eliminated Development of after school support mtgs. to work on classroom management Suspension data revealed frequent fights Developed “Peaceful Day Count-Up” competition between teams with high powered reinforcement activities

22 Data Based Decisions, Cont. High number of referrals for “Disrespect” Survey staff and students: #1 to get information on how they define disrespect including specific examples #2 to get ideas on consequences when students/staff demonstrate the expectation & when they fail to meet the requirements Implement consensus plan developed by team after analyzing staff/student input High number of referrals for “Disrespect” Survey staff and students: #1 to get information on how they define disrespect including specific examples #2 to get ideas on consequences when students/staff demonstrate the expectation & when they fail to meet the requirements Implement consensus plan developed by team after analyzing staff/student input

23 We will decrease the number of students who have multiple days of detention not served by 50%, or approximately 53 students, by the end of the 2 nd quarter as measured by our Detention data base. Action Plan Goal

24 Strategies to Meet Action Plan Detention Goal:  Every Friday, A.P.’s/Community Resource Worker will make phone calls/home visits to students who have >1 detention not served.  Campus Security Officers will escort 2 students/day to detention 15 minutes prior to the end of school.  Using a current detention list, teachers will conduct a check during 4th Period every Thursday. Teachers will black out the yellow intramural sticker for all students owing >1 detention.  A.P.’s will issue new stickers and privileges will be renewed, once detentions are served. Strategies to Meet Action Plan Detention Goal:  Every Friday, A.P.’s/Community Resource Worker will make phone calls/home visits to students who have >1 detention not served.  Campus Security Officers will escort 2 students/day to detention 15 minutes prior to the end of school.  Using a current detention list, teachers will conduct a check during 4th Period every Thursday. Teachers will black out the yellow intramural sticker for all students owing >1 detention.  A.P.’s will issue new stickers and privileges will be renewed, once detentions are served.

25 YOUR TURN Analyze the charts on your handout and be prepared to share the conclusions of your group. For each graph address these points: A) What is this data showing you? B) What additional information would you need? C) What types of strategies/interventions would you begin to discuss and think about as your team analyzed this chart? C) What might be an appropriate action plan goal?

26 Please complete your evaluations Sheryl Nix & Nancy Turman Session 22A 9:30 Session 22B 12:45

27 Credit & Thanks for original content & graphics: Jacquelin Patrick Suzy Johns Youth Services District MODEL Coaches San Bernardino City Unified School District Adapted & Presented by: Nancy Turman / Sheryl Nix /

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