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 A genre is a type or category of film.  Not everything in film is a matter of complete originality. Genres rely on repetition and variation rather.

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Presentation on theme: " A genre is a type or category of film.  Not everything in film is a matter of complete originality. Genres rely on repetition and variation rather."— Presentation transcript:


2  A genre is a type or category of film.  Not everything in film is a matter of complete originality. Genres rely on repetition and variation rather than uniqueness. Recognizable conventions rather than pure inventions ( language that we all understand which provides Structure and meaning.

3  The filmmaker deliberately follows these conventions and the audience expects to see them expressed in any film clearly belonging to a specific genre.  Variations can appear but not radical innovations.

4  Set in the future, in outer space or on another planet.  Classic or Modern Science fiction.  Costumes and props have a futurist look. Often, stylized acting is used to portray aliens and robots.

5  No hard-and-fast narrative conventions, although Science fiction is often concerned with encounters with aliens, travel to other planets, future societies and future technologies.  Unusual plots, a door open to imagination.  Dystopian futures, current trend : On the road, Hunger games …

6  Two kinds of audiences  Universal viewer ( not many questions)  Expert in the area Is it possible? Is it relevant? Can this happen in real life? How can the director don´t know or find out?

7 What about poetry? What comes first?

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