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Understand what the process of hydraulic fracturing/fracking involves Consider the pros and cons of fracking Debate the issue related to North Carolina.

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Presentation on theme: "Understand what the process of hydraulic fracturing/fracking involves Consider the pros and cons of fracking Debate the issue related to North Carolina."— Presentation transcript:


2 Understand what the process of hydraulic fracturing/fracking involves Consider the pros and cons of fracking Debate the issue related to North Carolina Present support or opposition based on your roles

3 Solar power Hydroelectricity Wind power Nuclear power

4 Time Magazine, April 11, 2011 Why Shale Can Solve The Energy Crisis

5 Natural gas trapped within formations of shale rock





10 North Carolina

11 Take a look at the NC Department of Natural Resources. Two- thirds of Durham County, including Jordan Lake, are in the tracking zone.

12 According to Progress NC, a liberal-leaning environmental organization, the legislation currently pending has the potential to give energy companies wide leeway to conduct fracking operations throughout the state. And the gas deposits are dispersed throughout Durham county, raising the possibility of gas extraction in our own backyards.

13 Citizens – Supporting(4)(5) Citizens – Opposing(4)(5) Environmental Activists (2)(4) Local Business Owners(3)(4) Energy Development Company(3)(4) Geologist CEO Attorney Government – Legislators(3)(4) DNR – geologist, wildlife, air & water(3)(4)

14 You have been assigned a role – work with your group to research and present evidence for/against fracking in North Carolina Presentations to the Legislature will be 6 minutes at the beginning of class tomorrow before you take the test (which shouldn’t take any more than 30 minutes) Legislature – it’s your job to act in the best interest of all parties and arrive at a conclusion regarding fracking in NC – you will need to be aware of all sides of the argument and act accordingly. Use the wiki for more information and Google search for additional resources to those already linked on the wiki.

15 Maximum time to present is 6 minutes! Be prepared! We will go in order presented on the wiki! NO PUT-DOWNS! Teams lose 1 point for each interruption. Teams lose 1 point for whispering while another speaker is talking. The legislature will be grading you using a scoring sheet which is linked on the wiki. I will GRADE the legislature!

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