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Texting for Health Kathy Lordo Assistant Health Commissioner Hamilton County Public Health.

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2 Texting for Health Kathy Lordo Assistant Health Commissioner Hamilton County Public Health






8 Smart Phones Record spoken messagesRecord spoken messages Send and receive text messagesSend and receive text messages Take and display photographs or videoTake and display photographs or video Surf the InternetSurf the Internet Speak to another personSpeak to another person

9 Mobile Usage on Rise More than 292 million Americans haveMore than 292 million Americans have mobile devices, 93% of U.S. population. Minorities Lead Mobile AccessMinorities Lead Mobile Access Whites: 80% Whites: 80% Hispanics: 87% Hispanics: 87% African Americans: 87% 2 African Americans: 87% 2

10 Widespread Reach Text messaging is available on 98% of all cell phonesText messaging is available on 98% of all cell phones 72% of cell phone owners send/receive text messages72% of cell phone owners send/receive text messages 7 Trillion text messages to be sent in7 Trillion text messages to be sent in 2011 (estimates)

11 Frequent Usage Adults send an average of 10 text messages per day.Adults send an average of 10 text messages per day. Number of text messages sent per user increased by nearly 50% in the U.S. last year.Number of text messages sent per user increased by nearly 50% in the U.S. last year.

12 Immediate Communication 65% of adults say they have slept with65% of adults say they have slept with their cell phone next to their bed. Americans spend an average of 2.7Americans spend an average of 2.7 hours a day on their mobile phone.

13 Mobile-Only Households Nearly 25% of U.S. households are now wireless-only households.Nearly 25% of U.S. households are now wireless-only households.

14 Health Behavior Change Positive behavior change outcomes were observed in 13 of the 14 reviewed studies. Keys to SuccessKeys to Success Tailoring of content Tailoring of content Interactivity Interactivity

15 Increase community awareness about the risk of diabetesIncrease community awareness about the risk of diabetes Increase individual awareness of risk for diabetes and steps that can be taken to reduce risk.Increase individual awareness of risk for diabetes and steps that can be taken to reduce risk. Promote provider engagement in diabetes prevention and risk reduction thru use of ITPromote provider engagement in diabetes prevention and risk reduction thru use of IT

16 Target Audience Target Audience


18 txt4health Concept txt4health Concept 17 User sends HEALTH to 311 411 Development of Profile (Risk Categorization) Enrollment Goal Setting/ Tracking (Weight & Exercise) Education/ Motivation (According to Risk) Local Connections (Care & Activities) System collects: HEIGHT WEIGHT (BMI) AGE GENDER FAMILY HISTORY DIABETES DIAGNOSIS CHOLESTEROL HYPERTENSION SMOKING STATUS System categorizes: DIABETIC PRE-DIABETIC HIGH/ MEDIUM RISK LOW RISK ------------------------------- UNDERWEIGHT NORMAL WEIGHT OVERWEIGHT OBESE

19 As Profile Develops Protocols Are Refined 18

20 February 16 Launch


22 What to Expect Receive 2 national message per week with the opportunity for a local message Maximum 14 week program

23 Take out your phoneTake out your phone Go to messages/text messagesGo to messages/text messages Click a new message (+)Click a new message (+) To: 300400To: 300400 Type “Health” in text lineType “Health” in text line Click sendClick send 6 Steps to Better Health

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