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Department of Health is a Smoke Free Workplace Closing the Gap: The NT is doing well Dr Christine Connors A/Director Health Development Branch NT Department.

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Presentation on theme: "Department of Health is a Smoke Free Workplace Closing the Gap: The NT is doing well Dr Christine Connors A/Director Health Development Branch NT Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 Department of Health is a Smoke Free Workplace Closing the Gap: The NT is doing well Dr Christine Connors A/Director Health Development Branch NT Department of Health August 2013

2 Overview Social determinants Epidemiology Outcomes Future directions

3 3 Socio-economic quintile by Indigenous status, NT and Australia Source: Infancy to young adulthood, Health Gains Planning, 2012 (In Press)


5 5

6 6 DALY (mortality and morbidity) 1999- 2003

7 7

8 COAG Reform Council report. Healthcare 2011-2012: Comparing performance across Australia. May 2013

9 9 All cause age-specific death rate, males, by Indigenous status, Northern Territory and Australia, 1967 to 1971 and 2002 to 2006 Source: Mortality in the NT, Health Gains Planning, 2012 (unpublished)

10 10 All cause age-specific death rate, females, by Indigenous status, Northern Territory and Australia, 1967 to 1971 and 2002 to 2006 Source: Mortality in the NT, Health Gains Planning, 2012 (unpublished)

11 11 Death rates by State and Territory 2007-2011 COAG Reform Council report. Healthcare 2011-2012: Comparing performance across Australia. May 2013

12 12 Rates of potentially preventable and potentially treatable deaths 2007-2010

13 COAG Reform Council report. Healthcare 2011-2012: Comparing performance across Australia. May 2013

14 COAG Reform Council: Indigenous Disadvantage 2013

15 COAG Reform Council report. Healthcare 2011-2012: Comparing performance across Australia. May 2013

16 16 Preventable hospitalisations due to chronic conditions COAG Reform Council report. Healthcare 2011-2012: Comparing performance across Australia. May 2013

17 17 Reduced AMI 2007-2010

18 16 CQI Facilitators 3 Pre existing 7 New: ACCH 6 New: DoH

19 19 Trend of Indigenous clients in the NT DoH with type 2 diabetes and heart disease on a care plan

20 20 Delivery of diabetes services in NT 2005-2012 0 20 40 60 80 100 % Service delivery 1234 S ERVICE DELIVERY TO PATIENTS WITH T YPE 2 D IABETES MELLITUS (n=number of health centres; number of patient records) Audit cycle (n=22;572) (n=22;552)(n=22;582) (n=22;672)

21 21 Diabetes audits Aboriginal PHC services

22 22 Diabetes audits NT Aboriginal PHC services

23 23 Variation in intermediate outcomes outcome HbA1c control (<7%) BP control (<130/80mmHg)

24 24  Improve social determinants  Prevention of obesity  Tobacco control  Patient and family education self management support; rehabilitation  Improved clinical care case conference coordination of care CQI Priorities in chronic conditions

25 25 Any questions?

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