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Gate2Start Role Model: Mr. Petros Skalkos – CD-ROM Copy Protection.

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Presentation on theme: "Gate2Start Role Model: Mr. Petros Skalkos – CD-ROM Copy Protection."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gate2Start Role Model: Mr. Petros Skalkos – CD-ROM Copy Protection

2  Mr. Petros Skalkos  Born in 1967  Civil Engineer, PhD in Seismology (AUTH)  Research experience: Software development, signal analysis, arithmetic analysis techniques et al. Profile – The researcher

3 Main Problem In the early 90s the increasing software piracy rates threatened the growing Software Industry, diminishing its earnings in a great extend

4 CD protection system: Every locked application has a unique locking parameter that provides protection against illegal remastering and reproduction. Result: Intellectual & industrial property rights protected and secured. Immediate sales increase. The system consists of: Physical Signature on CD, made during a unique and special glass mastering process; Physical Signature on CD, made during a unique and special glass mastering process; State-of-the-art Debug Prevention engineering embedded in the software code; State-of-the-art Debug Prevention engineering embedded in the software code; Sophisticated Code Encryption software.Sophisticated Code Encryption software. The Proposed Solution

5 Milestones  1995: Idea for Copy Protection conceived  1995: co-establishment of MLS Laserlock to fund the development of the product and exploit it commercially  1996: The research turned from Floppy disk Protection to CD-ROM Copy Protection  1998: 1 st ICT Grand Prize Winner (€200.000)

6 Innovation: Market Issues  The idea was triggered by a real market need  Innovation: Unique Solution. Initial market research revealed a global lack of competition.  Market needs continued defining the research’s basic aspects, turning it from floppy disks to CD-Rom disks.  The solution was developed in cooperation with the Software Industry and CD-ROM Manufacturers.  Research evolved following market demand (DVDs etc)

7 Innovation: Business Issues  Mr Skalkos searched for partners from the very beginning  MLS Laserlock was established in order to fund and exploit the proposed solution.  Mr Skalkos held the Intellectual Property Rights, 25% equity share and the position of the Technical Director.  MLS Laserlock holds the Commercial Rights  Strategic partnerships (Licensing Agreements)

8 Success  IST Grand Prize Winner 1998 (200.000€). 1st and only for Greece.  High publicity and recognition for the researcher.  Rapid economic growth. 0,5 m. € in 1998 1 m. € in 2000.  Domination in the Greek and global market until competition managed to catch-up (SONY, Macrovision). 1999: 95% of the Greek and 15% of the global market  High market acceptance.

9 Lessons to Learn  Look for partners from the very beginning  Make a market research before starting, check if there is a market for your product  Monitor the market needs in a permanent basis (during and after the research) and adjust the product accordingly  Create partnership with potential costumers  Test the product before putting to market


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