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Unit 15 Lesson 1 Read the passage and do true or false problems Sun wen: 1. She must have got the advice “It’s never too late to learn” from her boss.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 15 Lesson 1 Read the passage and do true or false problems Sun wen: 1. She must have got the advice “It’s never too late to learn” from her boss."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 15 Lesson 1 Read the passage and do true or false problems Sun wen: 1. She must have got the advice “It’s never too late to learn” from her boss. 2. After Sun Wen got a bachelor’s degree, she seized a second chance studying hard to get another degree. 3. Sun Wen got promoted in the company due to her new qualification and hard work. 4. Sun Wen took up Computer Engineering correspondence ( 函授 )course four years ago.

2 5. The School of Continuing Education is a university on line without walls opened by Tsinghua University. 6. For four years Sun Wen has been working nine to five in the daytime and studying in the evenings and on weekends, and she hasn’t got a degree yet. 7. Sun Wen’s job is probably to take charge of the security of the company.

3 Ms Tang: 1.Ms Tang had worked in the company for 20 years before she was laid off. 2.Ms tang was fired either because the business in the company didn’t go well or because she had done something wrong. 3.Thanks to being laid off, Ms tang has set up an export company of her own and made a lot of money. 4.Ms Tang has been doing the business course for at most three months.

4 Grandpa Chen: 1.Grandpa Chen is energetic and now playing new tricks on his pet dog every day. 2.With air fare grows suddenly,Grandpa Chen stopped sending letters to his daughter by airmail. 3.Now Chen can send and receive emails, and chat on line with his grandson in the US. 4.Chen doesn’t want to visit his grandchildren at all because he can see them whenever he wants to on the internet camera. 5.Grandpa Chen’s grandson is teaching him English so that he can communicate with his grandchildren in the US in up-to-date English.

5 Lesson 1 Life – long Learning Read the passage and complete the chart: NameSun WenMs Tang Grandpa Chen What did they study? Reason for study How did they study? Result of their study, Computer engineering For a degree Distance learning Bachelor’s degree,promotion Business Laid off,bored being a house- wife,to start her own company Took a business course New skills, business plan Email and internet Too expensive to airmail letters Grandson’s guidance Send,Receive, see and talk

6 说话游戏: 条件线可不能在你那儿断了呀! 虚拟语气说话训练(二) Language Goal: If…had (not) done…, …would (not) have done…. Rules: work in groups of four or five. One acts as the secretary to monitor the activity and write down what everyone says. The others say “If…” with subjunctive mood one after another, but you must continue the condition raised by the former speaker. Then discuss your sentences in your group and correct mistakes. The group that gets the most sentences wins the game.

7 Example: A:If the storm hadn’t broken out, the ship wouldn’t have sunk. B:If the ship hadn’t sunk, …

8 Translate these sentences into Chinese 1.The brake failed,however I managed to stop the car. 2.Any teacher worth his salt knows that. 3.Whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well. 4.I suspect that they laid me off because the company was not doing that well but it still brought a lump to my throat and made me want to cry. 5.It’s just the status of the job market at the moment. 6.So many people think that after you retire,all you can do is switch off your brain and bury everything you have learnt. 7.Aside from emailing,it’s fun to see and talk to my grand- children in the US on the I-Cam. It all started when a few months ago the postage went up.

9 Make sentences with the given words phrases 1 、我随时愿意帮助你。( too…to… ) 2 、她吓得刚要大叫,有人捂住了她的嘴巴。 (be about to) 3 、杰克把球传给我,我没接住。 (fail) 4 、坦率地说,许多人刻苦学习就是为了得到一份稳定 而高薪的工作。 (a secure,well-paid job) 5 、听到母亲去世的消息,我的天空完全黑暗了,我的 脑海一片空白。( go blank ) 6 、说到这儿,我的喉咙哽住了。 (a lump to one’s throat) 7 、他满眼疑惑地看着我,彷佛我说的都是假话。 (suspiciously) 8 、过了一些日子,皇帝想亲自去看看魔布织得怎么样 了。( in person )

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