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Living or Non- Living?: You Be the Judge. Living or Non-Living? Make sure to have a reason for your answer!

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Presentation on theme: "Living or Non- Living?: You Be the Judge. Living or Non-Living? Make sure to have a reason for your answer!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Living or Non- Living?: You Be the Judge

2 Living or Non-Living? Make sure to have a reason for your answer!

3 Time to Share!! = Non-Living

4 = Non-Living

5 = Living

6 = Non-Living

7 = Living

8 = Non-Living

9 = Living

10 = Living

11 Here is your Challenge! ONE  Your task is to come up with ONE characteristic that can easily be used to separate living things from non-living things!

12 Answer to our Challenge Question  There is NO one characteristic that can be used to classify something as living. Actually, an organism MUST possess 6 characteristics to be considered living. All living things are made of cells All living things use energy All living things respond to their environment All living things reproduce All living things grow and change over time All living things contain genetic material

13 Characteristic of Life # 1 AAll living things are made of CELLS Some are unicellular Some are multicellular TTHINK! – What do these terms mean? One-celled vs. many-celled

14 Characteristic of Life # 2 AAll living things use ENERGY This energy can be used to digest food, repair body parts, etc. TTHINK! – How do living things obtain their energy? By eating food By making food from light (Photosynthesis)

15 Characteristic of Life # 3  All living things RESPOND to their surroundings. The factor that causes the organism to react is called a stimulus. The reaction an organism has is called the response.  THINK! – For each action I have you perform, try to identify the stimulus and response.

16 Characteristic of Life # 4 AAll living things REPRODUCE THINK! – What are the human reproductive cells? EEgg and sperm

17 Characteristic of Life # 5  All living things GROW and change over time. You may argue that a rock can grow and change over time. However, this rock does not produce cells.

18 Characteristic of Life # 6 AAll living things contain GENETIC material. THINK! – What is the name of our genetic material? DDNA

19 Contest!  Can you think of a mnemonic to help you remember the six characteristics of life? Use the following letters: C for Cells E for Energy R for Response R for Reproduce G for Growth G for Genetics

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