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The theory of evolution 100 200 100 200 300 400 500 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 Darwin’s Six Points TermsEvidence.

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4 The theory of evolution 100 200 100 200 300 400 500 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 Darwin’s Six Points TermsEvidence for Change EssaysGrab Bag FINAL

5 Darwin’s Six Points 100 This part of Darwin’s theory of Evolution shows this example: differences for Homo sapiens (humans) can be exact size or shape of body, strength in running, or resistance to disease. Variation

6 Darwin’s Six Points 200 The part of Darwin’s theory of Evolution that explains that living space and food are limited so offspring from each generation must work against themselves in order to live. Competition

7 Darwin’s Six Points 300 This point of Darwin’s theory of Evolution is any kind of inherited trait that improves an organisms chance of survival and reproduction in a given environment. Adaptation

8 Darwin’s Six Points 400 This part of Darwin’s theory of Evolution explains that most species produce far more offspring than are needed to maintain the population. Overproduction

9 Darwin’s Six Points 500 One of Darwin’s six points, describing the formation of a new species after many, many generations of passing on an inherited trait that fits a niche well. Speciation

10 Terms 100 Considered the common ancestor to all life on earth. Bacteria or Prokaryotes

11 Terms 200 The idea that unrelated species evolve similar traits due to occupying similar niches Convergent Evolution

12 Terms 300 Selam is of this species Australopithecus afarensis

13 Terms 400 An infectious agent credited for being the worst at reproducing exact copies of itself, and therefore evolves rapidly HIV

14 Terms 500 A hominid trait that increased over time and can be supported by data Brain case

15 Evidence for Change 100 The branch of science that studies fossils of all living organisms, Pangea, and the movement of tectonic plates. Paleontology

16 Evidence for Change 200 The branch of science that studies hominid and human evolution through the analysis of fossils. Physical Anthropology

17 Evidence for Change 300 Strata The name of the layers of the earth examined by Paleontologists

18 Evidence for Change 400 Carbon Dating or Radioactive Dating A process used by Paleontologists to determine the actual age of a fossil.

19 Evidence for Change 500 Name three of the hominids studied by the Physical Anthropologists (give 2-part Latin names) Homo sapiens sapiens, Homo sapiens neanderthalensis, Homo erectus, Australopithecus boisei, Australopithecus afarensis

20 Essays 100 The scientific theory that states that all living things came from a common ancestor and have changed across time. Evolution

21 Essays 200 This man is acknowledged for his contributions to the theory of evolution but did not provide evidence in his research in as much detail as Darwin. Alfred Russell Wallace

22 DAILY DOUBLE - Essays 300 This is an explanation of natural phenomena that has been extensively tested, is supported by plenty of evidence, and is accepted by the large scientific community. A Scientific Theory

23 Essays 400 Where, geographically, Darwin spent most of his travels studying finches? South America

24 Essays 500 This was the name of the boat Darwin and his crew used to sail around the world. HMS Beagle

25 Grab Bag 100 An organism studied before, during, and after the industrial revolution in England. Observations were made of its physical characteristics and it is a model organism for teaching about Natural Selection. The Peppered Moth

26 Grab Bag 200 Aside from the no variation trait, what were three other varying lemur traits in the musical chairs activity? Monopeds, Opti-nots, lotsamass, bad SOD, PITN (pain in the neck), vertically challenged

27 Grab Bag 300 Name two human vestigial structures. Wisdom teeth, appendix, nictitating membrane, tailbone, body hair, goosebumps

28 Grab Bag 400 An organism’s environment, place, or role within nature. Niche

29 Grab Bag 500 This was the name of Darwin’s first published work. On the Origin of Species

30 Natural selection is driven by this; it is what constantly changes, causing the evolution of species. Environment in which an organism lives. FINAL JEOPARDY!

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