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PARENT DISCUSSION QUESTIONS. Be the One POTENTIAL DANGER On school buses we know that dangerous situations can occur. Who is most likely to be aware of.

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Presentation on theme: "PARENT DISCUSSION QUESTIONS. Be the One POTENTIAL DANGER On school buses we know that dangerous situations can occur. Who is most likely to be aware of."— Presentation transcript:


2 Be the One POTENTIAL DANGER On school buses we know that dangerous situations can occur. Who is most likely to be aware of dangerous situations that occur on buses? Is it important to report the dangerous situation and why? Why would someone choose NOT to take action? What are the possible consequences of taking no action?

3 Be the One ILLEGAL ALCOHOL AND DRUG USE Why is substance abuse illegal in and out of schools? What are some of the possible dangers that could result from abusing substances like we saw in the video and other substances?” Who is most at risk from any substance use? Which of these substances that we saw in the video is the most dangerous…alcohol, marijuana or the pills?

4 Be the One BULLYING Who do you think should have been reported in the video? The student with weapon or the bully? Is the bully in danger? In the video, is the student who is being bullied in danger? What are some types of bullying and the issues around bullying? Can bullying occur in places other than schools? Are adults capable of bullying? Please provide examples.

5 Be the One MISSED OPPORTUNITIES Which trusted adults are students most likely be comfortable to speak to? How else could you report dangerous situations? What does it mean to keep a confidence or report anonymously? Is the opportunity to report anonymously necessary and important and why is it important? What are some things that you can do to encourage your child to better communicate with you?

6 Be the One ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS If a student doesn’t report a dangerous situation of which they are aware and a death or injury occurs, will the student run a greater risk of having long-term problems or guilt? How do you think a student might feel later, after the shooting occurred or years later when the student who had the information is an adult?

7 Be the One ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS How do you think the student in our video will feel about her decision to not report when she is the mother of a child the same age as the one who was shot? Some people who miss the opportunity to report, may have emotional or mental health issues. Who could students talk to if they are experiencing depression, guilt or other issues?

8 Be the One SAFE ENDING This version of the video ended differently than the one you first saw. Why was the outcome different? Why do you think the student decided to speak to the principal or call Campus Crime Stoppers after not reporting to other adults? Imagine a community and a school with no violence…describe a community and school that is completely safe and what potential would the students and parents have in such a school and community?

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