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Top 10 w&list=PLDF0C8C3BC927E631&index=1&featu re=plpp_video Welcome to Mrs. Hughes’ Human Anatomy & Physiology.

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Presentation on theme: "Top 10 w&list=PLDF0C8C3BC927E631&index=1&featu re=plpp_video Welcome to Mrs. Hughes’ Human Anatomy & Physiology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Top 10 w&list=PLDF0C8C3BC927E631&index=1&featu re=plpp_video Welcome to Mrs. Hughes’ Human Anatomy & Physiology

2 First thing: Anatomy Syllabus Form Find the Human Anatomy & Physiology Syllabus form located on my website. Complete the online form and submit. ***BE SURE YOUR PARENTS PUT THEIR EMAIL ADDRESSES ON THE SYLLABUS FORM. Due tomorrow.

3 How do I (or my parents) contact you? Email is my preferred method of contact. Please inform your parents that it is imperative that I have their email addresses for announcements and contacts. My email is

4 What to Expect and What You’ll Need You will need something with which you can take notes. DO NOT THROW AWAY ANY GRADED WORK. If there is a question about your work later, you must produce the work for discussions.

5 You will need colored pencils and a handheld sharpener. Never use the wall or electric sharpener to sharpen colored pencils.

6 Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology (by Elaine N. Marieb) Presentations will follow this text most of the time. Diagrams shown on presentations are also in the text.

7 Your book comes with an online component located at You will use this website for homework, studying, etc. ONLINE HUMAN ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY

8 When does class start? Class begins exactly at its designated time of 11:40. At that time I will take the roll. It takes 3 minutes to walk (leisurely) from Mrs. Owens room in the HS to the far end of Adams Hall. You can make it to mine on time. NO TARDIES!

9 What will the lessons be like? Most lessons will include a PowerPoint presentation. Many will include short videos or online activities. What will the labs be like? We will do several dissections of specific organs or parts of body systems but no whole organisms. We will also do a variety of non-dissection activities.

10 I have arranged a series of guest speakers from various medical professions to join us periodically throughout the year for a Q&A session. Nursing Pharmacy Radiology Orthopedics Anesthesiology Massage Therapy Opthalmology Endocrinology Emergency Medicine Pediactrics Family Medicine

11 We will be watching a few select movies throughout the year.

12 Where can I find the day’s notes? All of my presentations are available to you 24/7 on my website. Lessons, assignments, and announcements will be posted at the end of each day. To access the presentations, simply click on the desired lesson and wait for it to load. All presentations are in PowerPoint format. If you do not have PowerPoint on your computer, you can download a “PowerPoint Viewer.” There is a link on my website for this.

13 Turn in homework assignments by placing them into the basket on the card beside my desk. Other useful items are located on the green table behind the door:

14 Assignments without a name will be placed in the “NO NAME” box. Printed assignments (not hand written) without names may have to be thrown away since there is no way for me to determine if the person claiming the paper is the person who did the work. NO NAME

15 You can find your grade on PowerTeacher website. You or your parents can also ask for a printed report of your grades anytime via email. If there is a missing grade in my gradebook, bring in your work and show it to me and I will enter the grade. If you have turned in something that has not been returned to you, check the “no name” box. How do I find out my grade?

16 Late Work Work turned in late due to an excused absence: Be sure to write “Absent” on your paper so I will not count off a late penalty then place it in the correct homework basket. Work turned in late for any other reason will be assessed a penalty appropriate for the amount of time that has passed since the work was due.

17 How is my grade calculated? Trimester Grades Homework, Labs & Quizzes 50%

18 How is my grade calculated? End of Year Grade Each trimester counts 27%. Final Exam counts 19%

19 What if I miss a test? If you miss a test, you will be expected to make up the test within a few days after you return to school. Be prepared to stay after school. What if I miss an activity or lab? You will be expected to gather the information from the activity and complete all worksheets and assignments related to the activity.

20 “LISTEN UP” During some activities you will be allowed to talk to each other. If I need your attention, I will say “listen” or “listen up.” You must stop whatever you are doing and look at me immediately. LISTEN UP!

21 Hughes’ Anatomy & Physiology What to Expect: Lots of memorizing terms, root words, and structures. Relating structures to their functions. Relating functions of parts to the function of the whole. Learning processes related to the structures.

22 The syllabus for Anatomy is listed on the TJCA website. We will be studying… and MORE!

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