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Bromley Learning Disability Partnership Board Person Centred Planning Sub Group report Tony Mitchell.

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Presentation on theme: "Bromley Learning Disability Partnership Board Person Centred Planning Sub Group report Tony Mitchell."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bromley Learning Disability Partnership Board Person Centred Planning Sub Group report Tony Mitchell

2 Bromley Learning Disability Partnership Board PCP Sub Committee co chair Vivienne Lester co chair Phillip Atkinson meets 4 times a year

3 Bromley Learning Disability Partnership Board PCP workers PCP Coordinator is Tony Mitchell PCP Facilitator for the PCT is Lucy Bancroft

4 Bromley Learning Disability Partnership Board What we have been doing Talking to lots of people in Bromley about PCP Made posters and leaflets about PCP and given them to lots of people Made a PCP guide for people to learn about PCP

5 Bromley Learning Disability Partnership Board Person Centred Planning Guide

6 Bromley Learning Disability Partnership Board Made a PCP website to let people who use the internet learn about PCP Have a phone number for people to call to find out about PCP Have an email address for people to email about PCP. Made a PCP handbook for people to use to start their own PCP

7 Bromley Learning Disability Partnership Board Some helpful questions: Date Started __________ Name _______________ Person Centred Planning Supporting People in Bromley to lead independent lives PCP handbook

8 Bromley Learning Disability Partnership Board Started PCP training for anyone who supports or works with a person with a learning disability. People that have attended training so far are: school staff residential and day centre staff key workers carers supporters family members people with a LD Shaw trust staff Mencap staff

9 Bromley Learning Disability Partnership Board PCP Awareness Training 43 people completed PCP Facilitator Training 19 people completed Dates are set for more training Dates available

10 Bromley Learning Disability Partnership Board Working with Circles of Support Meet every 2 months with staff that have completed PCP training and are starting PCP’s Working with schools to help them with PCP’s

11 Bromley Learning Disability Partnership Board All people that lived in PCT houses have a PCP up to date. So 75 people have PCP’s.

12 Bromley Learning Disability Partnership Board Thank you for listening. Please ask questions if you have any.

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