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Skeletal system You will find interesting facts about the human body.

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1 Skeletal system You will find interesting facts about the human body.

2 contents 1.BonesBones 2.LegLeg 3.ArmArm 4.BackBack 5.SkullSkull 6.JointsJoints 7.Interesting factsInteresting facts

3 Bones If we did not have bones we would be like a puddle. Our femur is the longest bone in our body. We have 206 bones in our body. Your bones are 6 times stronger than steel. Our skull protects our brain like a helmet.

4 Leg The patella is the only bone in our body that is not connected to any other ligaments. If we did not have the big toe we would not be able to walk. If we did not have legs we could not run and things. The tibia runs up the front of your leg between your ankle and knee can be felt through your skin easily.

5 arm Your funny bone is actually a nerve that touches your humerus. The human arm contains 30 bones. The main bones are the humerus, ulna and the radius. The bones of the human arm extend from the shoulder to the wrist. The radius and ulna parallel bones that form the forearm.

6 back The top of the spine is called the thoracic vertebrae. the bottom of the spine is called lumbar vertebrae. This is were the spinal canal is and which generally has some curvature that gives shape to the back. Sternum or breastbone is a flat bone-some of the ribs are attached to this area by cartilage. The back bone holds 33 vertebrae.

7 skull Your skull is there to protect your brain like a helmet You have 3 ear bones The skulls real name is the cranium your jaws real name is the mandible Ancient Aztecs would believe that cutting of a piece of the skull would solve a headache

8 Interesting facts Chips can be taken out the body and grown into full length bones You can get tumours in bones Bone marrow can be donated like blood The older you get the more brutal your lungs get Our neck has the same amount of bones as a giraffes

9 joints Without joints you would not be able to move your arms, legs and neck. Two types of joints are the hinge and the ball and socket joint. Dislocated joints can be popped back in by a doctor. joints can medically replaced with stainless steel or toughened plastic. A majority of people will get arthritis which will cause there joints to swell and give them a lot of pain.

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