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Workgroup 127 Move Update PS 6014 Form Redesign. Issue Statement  PS 6014 form originated from MTAC WG #75 and was designed to clearly assign liability.

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Presentation on theme: "Workgroup 127 Move Update PS 6014 Form Redesign. Issue Statement  PS 6014 form originated from MTAC WG #75 and was designed to clearly assign liability."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workgroup 127 Move Update PS 6014 Form Redesign

2 Issue Statement  PS 6014 form originated from MTAC WG #75 and was designed to clearly assign liability for meeting the Move Update standards for First-Class Mail. Since Move Update compliance will (as of November 23, 2008) include Standard Mail and some Move Update compliance methods have changed it is advisable to revise the form. As the Postal Service moves to institute the ability to verify address quality it becomes critical for mail owners and mail service providers to leverage the 6014 to ensure addresses are being updated per one of the approved methods. This work group will make recommendations on how the form can be revised to better meet today’s business needs.

3 Desired Results  Redesign Form 6014 to meet business needs.  Clearly identify what procedures will be followed if a mailing fails to meet Move Update requirements at acceptance and how the USPS will collect any postage deficiency should the mail service provider/mail owner elect not to correct the mailing to meet Move Update standards.

4 Meetings/Telecoms  Telecom 12/9/08  Telecom 12/16/08  Telecom 1/06/09  Telecom 1/27/09  MTAC leadership telecom 1/23  MTAC leadership telecom 2/11

5 Issues  53 members-creating fractured group on ideas for redesigning 6014 form  Group differed on amount of detail contained by form  Group differed on who would sign the form the mail owner or any mail owner designee  Differences time form would be valid

6 MTAC Leadership Telecom  Arriving at consensus on issues was difficult  Appeared two or more forms could be recommended  Unsure what USPS would accept so set up leadership telecom for guidance

7 Leadership Call Results  Original form created to a standard form was available for industry use  USPS felt form truly between mail preparer and mail owner and therefore who signed was not USPS issue  USPS felt because of this form truly industry form and decided not to endorse form

8 Leadership Call Results  USPS will treat Move Update failure like any other MERLIN failure  If failure detected:  Can pay additional postage  Take back and fix  Appeal  Makes the 6014 moot

9 Resolution of Desired Results  USPS form 6014 eliminated from USPS documentation  Acceptance policy clarified  Workgroup will sunset after one more telecom to review resolution statement  Additional questions about Move Update that we felt outside scope of workgroup  Questions forwarded to leadership group to be addressed at MTAC by USPS during Move Update Overview

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