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Positive Psychology by SENSOOR Project QuaLiS: Best Practise in Qualifying Listening Skills to Promote Emotional Health, 2013-2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Positive Psychology by SENSOOR Project QuaLiS: Best Practise in Qualifying Listening Skills to Promote Emotional Health, 2013-2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Positive Psychology by SENSOOR Project QuaLiS: Best Practise in Qualifying Listening Skills to Promote Emotional Health, 2013-2015

2 Programme What is Positive Psychology? Positive Intervision Excersises of Positive Intervision Research we did at Sensoor chat Short movie Project QuaLiS: Best Practise in Qualifying Listening Skills to Promote Emotional Health, 2013-2015

3 History of Positive Psychology Psychology focus on psychological problems and how to solve them Focus on pathology and disease 1970-2000 In that period the focus was on problems en disabilities 1998 Seligman: Pathology is not about human potential, we have to focus more on te strenghts of people. Treatment is not “fixing what’s wrong” but “building what’s strong” Project QuaLiS: Best Practise in Qualifying Listening Skills to Promote Emotional Health, 2013-2015

4 What is Positive Psychology? PP focus on positive characteristics Looks at the future and the posibilities (not at the problems in the past) Focus on strenghts of people (not their weakness) Positive attitude Project QuaLiS: Best Practise in Qualifying Listening Skills to Promote Emotional Health, 2013-2015

5 Name! Success! Talent! Ambition 2 x 4 minutes Project QuaLiS: Best Practise in Qualifying Listening Skills to Promote Emotional Health, 2013-2015

6 Sparkling moments In pairs, interview your partner about a ‘sparkling moment’ in their work over the past few weeks – a moment when they really felt at their best! How come? What was it that made the moment sparkle? Get as much detail as possible!! Listen carefully to what your partner says – you’ll need that information in a moment...! Person with biggest smile starts Project QuaLiS: Best Practise in Qualifying Listening Skills to Promote Emotional Health, 2013-2015

7 Giving compliments Based on what your partner just said......! Reflect on what you now know about their excellent qualities, skills and resources – think for a moment.....! Then - tell them and wait for them to say “Thank you” Project QuaLiS: Best Practise in Qualifying Listening Skills to Promote Emotional Health, 2013-2015

8 Small steps may lead to big changes Based on the conversation so far....! Ask your partner what small step s/he can take to increase the prospect of (even) more sparkling moments Project QuaLiS: Best Practise in Qualifying Listening Skills to Promote Emotional Health, 2013-2015

9 Paradigm change in supervision Monkeys learn more from their successes than from their failures. Probably also true for humans (Histed et al., 2009)! Success or failure recipes Project QuaLiS: Best Practise in Qualifying Listening Skills to Promote Emotional Health, 2013-2015

10 Two positive sources Positive Psychology Focus on strengths “What is wrong with you” -> “What is right with you?”! Solution Focus Focus on what works * If it works (better), do more of it; * If it doesn’t work, do something else. Project QuaLiS: Best Practise in Qualifying Listening Skills to Promote Emotional Health, 2013-2015

11 What’s wrong with you? What’s right with you? Project QuaLiS: Best Practise in Qualifying Listening Skills to Promote Emotional Health, 2013-2015

12 Your most challenging case Max 5 minutes; in pairs or plenary; information not needed! How would you rate the last session, on a scale from 0 to 10, if 10 means the session was going really well and 0 means the opposite?! Suppose that at the end of the next session your rating is one point higher, what will you have done differently?! When plenary: What ideas does everyone else have? Then: second most challenging case (with other colleague)! Demo & exercise! Project QuaLiS: Best Practise in Qualifying Listening Skills to Promote Emotional Health, 2013-2015

13 “If I compare this approach of supervision with the traditional problem-focused supervision for me the difference lies mainly in two points: 1. The motivational effect the focus on positive cognitions and behavior has! 2. The confidence in my own power to devise appropriate solutions. Changing this focus reinforces my positive emotions. It strengthens my hope of a positive outcome and my confidence that this is feasible using small steps forward.” Project QuaLiS: Best Practise in Qualifying Listening Skills to Promote Emotional Health, 2013-2015

14 Your best session Max 15 minutes; in pairs; information not needed! What was your best session recently?! What made it such a good session?! How did you achieve that?! What does that say about you and your capacities?! (How will you be able to do that more often?) Project QuaLiS: Best Practise in Qualifying Listening Skills to Promote Emotional Health, 2013-2015

15 Water the flowers, not the weeds Project QuaLiS: Best Practise in Qualifying Listening Skills to Promote Emotional Health, 2013-2015

16 Why a research of Positive Psychology at Sensoor ? Better help for the chatter? More scientific evidence for method Sensoor Project QuaLiS: Best Practise in Qualifying Listening Skills to Promote Emotional Health, 2013-2015

17 Previously Research You can talk about qualities in the chatlogs To look and talk about qualities en giving compliments fits in the conversationform of the chat Analyse chatlogs: we see a lot of starting points for positive psychology in the chat Project QuaLiS: Best Practise in Qualifying Listening Skills to Promote Emotional Health, 2013-2015

18 What did we do? Sensoor ZHzm chat volunteers get a training to practice positive psychology. Sensoor Brabant has been the control group. After the chat the chatters get a questionnaire Project QuaLiS: Best Practise in Qualifying Listening Skills to Promote Emotional Health, 2013-2015

19 ZHZM group-> training Positieve Psychology Brabant group-> no training Chatters -> afterwards a questionnaire Project QuaLiS: Best Practise in Qualifying Listening Skills to Promote Emotional Health, 2013-2015

20 What did we do at the training? Sensoor ZHzm chat volunteers get a training to practice positive psychology. We practice them to ask for qualities of the chatter and talking about implementing these qualities in daily life Example, you like writing (quality), maybe you can write about your problems to cope with it. Project QuaLiS: Best Practise in Qualifying Listening Skills to Promote Emotional Health, 2013-2015

21 The questionaire 1.A – How content were you about the chatsession? Very content Content Not content/not discontent discontent Very discontent B –Notification 2. What is your judgement about the sensoorvolunteer? Very positive Positive Neutral Negative Very negative 3. Which reportmark will give you to this chatsession? 4.A- Can you get along after this chatsession? Very sure Sure Somewhat Not really Totally not Don t know B -Notification 5.Do you have any suggestions or remarks due to this chatsession? Project QuaLiS: Best Practise in Qualifying Listening Skills to Promote Emotional Health, 2013-2015

22 Sensoor:You can word that beautifully Chatter:Thank you Chatter:I appreciate that you say so; nice to hear that Chatter:I hear this more often that I can word things beautifully Sensoor:Writing talents? Sensoor:Do you also ocassionally write for yourself? Chatter:Who knows? Chatter:Yes I write a lot for myself Sensoor:This can have a postive effect, did you know that? Chatter: Yep, it clears the air a bit and I can have it off my chest, even though it is just a bit of chatter on paper Sensoor:exactly Chatter: At times I wonder if I should write down my experiences on how I have coped with borderline in a book and share this story of my life to inspire others Chatter:This would be helpful for yourself and for others Chatter:A good combination if you’d ask me Sensoor:For sure! Sensoor:Have you already started keeing a diary or blog or something like that? Chatter:Yup, I keep a diary every day. Chatter:A wonderful way to clear my mind at the end of each day Sensoor:Yes, very good indeed! Project QuaLiS: Best Practise in Qualifying Listening Skills to Promote Emotional Health, 2013-2015

23 Results (in Dutch) Project QuaLiS: Best Practise in Qualifying Listening Skills to Promote Emotional Health, 2013-2015

24 Results -Positive psychology can be a helpful and applicable tool in chats -Brabant more highly appreciated than ZHzm -Within ZHzm, bigger growth of appreciation, possibly as a result of using Positive Psychology -Application of Positive Psychology is a predictor of the appreciation of the chats -When Positive Psychology had been applied, the chatters appreciated the chat more highly Project QuaLiS: Best Practise in Qualifying Listening Skills to Promote Emotional Health, 2013-2015

25 Conclusion Teaching Sensoor volunteers positive-psychology skills does not only appear to be possible, but also seems to lead to a growth in appreciation of the chatter Futher research is recommended on the difference between the regions ZHZM and Brabant. Project QuaLiS: Best Practise in Qualifying Listening Skills to Promote Emotional Health, 2013-2015

26 Short movie: Power of validation/giving compliments (14 min) Book: Bannink, Frederike. Handbook of Positive Supervision (Cambridge MA: Hogrefe). Project QuaLiS: Best Practise in Qualifying Listening Skills to Promote Emotional Health, 2013-2015

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