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3 Careers in Landscape Industry  Landscape Architect – a person trained in engineering, graphic arts, and architectural technology to design landscapes  Usually their work is on a larger scale, such as parks, shopping centers, golf courses, and large corporate complexes  Often in business for themselves  Landscape Designer – individual trained in the art of design and the science of growing horticultural plants  These individuals work primarily with residential home sites and small corporate sites  Many are employed by a landscape company, nursery, or garden center

4 Landscape Architecture

5 Landscape Design

6 Careers in Landscape Industry Cont.  Landscape Contractor – person hired to install the landscape  This is the individual that transfers the design from paper to actual piece of land  This person can be hired by the designer, work for the same company as the designer, or can serve as the designer as well  Contractors also:  Are in charge of ordering plants and materials  Must have knowledge of plant identification  Can read, understand, and interpret designs  Manage a work crew  Operate equipment  Will subcontract – hire other companies to do part of the landscape

7 Careers in Landscape Industry  Other categories  Many companies will specialize in one of the following areas of landscaping  Landscape Installation  Landscape Construction  Landscape Maintenance

8 Careers in Landscape Industry  Larger companies will have separate divisions within the same company that will handle those areas  Installation – refers to the actual placing and planting of plant material into a landscape. Will often include items such as laying sod, installing irrigation lines, grading, and staking trees  Construction – deals with the installation of larger items such as patios, walkways, retaining walls, and pools (Hardscapes)  Hardscapes – are items in the landscape that are not living. Examples include rocks, walls, walkways, pathways, and fountains  Maintenance – refers to the care and upkeep of a landscape. Can be items such as watering, cutting, fertilizing, weeding, pruning, and spraying. Can include items such as changing out of annual plants

9 Components of Agriculture Education  Classroom and laboratory instruction  Supervised Agriculture Experience (SAE)  FFA

10 Leadership opportunities  Officers and committees – know duties and how those experiences can be used in the landscape industry  Examples:  President – preside over industry board meetings  Secretary – keep minutes of meetings for special committees  Treasurer – keep financial records  Reporter – serve on industry related association meetings  Etc.

11 Leadership Opportunities  Program of Activities – helps in setting goals and developing plans and steps to reach those goals  Career development events – speaking events, parliamentary procedure to learn how to participate in business meetings, skills events such as Nursery/Landscape  Proficiency Awards – entrepreneurship or individual placement awards growing out of a student’s SAE program  Banquets, conventions, conferences, social events, community service, etc.

12 Types of SAEs  Entrepreneurship – planning, implementing, operating, and assuming financial risks in an agricultural business or farming activity such as starting your own landscape company  Experimental – planning and conducting an agricultural experiment using the scientific process or scientific method such as testing to see which fertilizer is best on Centipedegrass

13 Types of SAEs  Analytical – identifying an agricultural problem that cannot be solved by experiments and designing a plan to investigate and analyze the problem such as a marketing display.  Placement – placing students in jobs outside the regular classroom hours and may be paid or unpaid work such as working at a landscape design company or lawn and garden store

14 Types of SAEs  Exploratory – helps students learn about agriculture and become aware of possible agricultural careers through short times spent observing, shadowing, or helping an individual in the field. Career days can also be an example.  Improvement – a series of activities that improves the value or appearance of the place of employment, school, home, or community; the efficiency of a business or an enterprise; or the living conditions of the family. Examples include building a fence, computerizing records, remodeling a building, or repairing a propagation bench

15 Types of SAEs  Supplementary – performing one specific agricultural skill outside of normal class time. This skill is not related to the major SAE but is normally taught in an agricultural program; involves experiential learning and contributes to the development of agricultural skills and knowledge on the part of the student. The activity is accomplished in less than a day and does not require a series of steps such as pruning a tree, staking tomatoes, or changing oil.

16 SAE Record Book and Entries  Entrepreneurship – type of enterprise, amount bought or sold, expenses, income, efficiency, factors, etc.  Experimental – review of literature, hypothesis, data log, findings, recommendations, etc.  Analytical – title of activity, identification of problem, background information, steps to solve problem, project log of what was done, results, and recommendations  Placement – training agreement signed by student, teacher, employer, and parent or guardian stating which each will do, record of work, hours, and income

17 SAE Record Book and Entries  Exploratory – date, activity, observation and comments, hours  Improvement – date started, date completed, improvement activity and steps or tasks involved in the project, hours, and costs  Supplementary – date, supplementary activities and comments, hours

18 Net Worth Statement Terms  Assets – things of tangible value that a person owns  Current – items quickly converted to cash or that will be sold within 12 months  Examples: cash, checking, savings, stocks, and non-depreciable inventory of crops, livestock, etc.  Non-current – items that have a useful life of more than one year  Examples: land and depreciable items such as machinery, breeding livestock, etc.  Total Assets = current assets + non-current assets

19 Net Worth Statement Terms  Liabilities – debt  Current – debts that are due this year  Examples: fertilizer and feed bills, tractor and building payments, and part of mortgage due this year  Non-current – debts not due this year  Examples: mortgages not including this year’s payment  Total liabilities – current liabilities + non-current liabilities

20 Net Worth Statement Terms  Net Worth = total assets minus total liabilities  Inventory – an itemized list of things owned by a business with the beginning value and depreciated value  Non-depreciable – items that will be used up or sold within a year  Examples: feed, supplies, etc  Depreciable – items that have a useful life of more than one year and lose value because of age, wear, or becoming out-of-date because of technology advancements  Land is NOT depreciable property

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