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TREASURER Khalil Lockett Southeast District 4-H Cabinet Ambassador Hampton City Unit January 19, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "TREASURER Khalil Lockett Southeast District 4-H Cabinet Ambassador Hampton City Unit January 19, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 TREASURER Khalil Lockett Southeast District 4-H Cabinet Ambassador Hampton City Unit January 19, 2013

2 Handler of Funds - Treasurer  Keep an accurate record of all money received, make sure receipts are written and all money is deposited – do this with your club leader  Pay all bills in a timely manner – usually within 30 days of the invoice  Provide an invoice to someone who owes the club money  Reconcile (balance) the checkbook each month according to the bank statement

3 Handler of Funds - Treasurer  Be prepared at each meeting to give a Treasurer’s report, even if there is no money in the treasury  Serve as chair of the fundraising committee  Use the 4-H Treasurer’s book to keep records  Make sure an audit is done on the Treasurer’s books at least once a year  Two people should sign the checks – and it should NOT be the treasurer and their parent – it should be another adult

4 Handler of Funds - Treasurer  Be prepared to roll coins and double count money after a fundraiser to prepare the bank deposit  Store money in a SAFE place until it can be deposited  If your club does not have a bank account, make sure you follow these same rules for money collected  Make sure the Secretary has a copy of the Treasurer's Report

5 Sample Treasurer's Report Treasurer’s report January 2, 2013 Balance as of last meeting $112.93 Income since last meeting December 8Wreath Sales 123.98 Total Income 123.98 Expenses since last meeting December 154-H Parade Supplies 57.97 December 21Donation to United Way 50.00 Total Expenses 107.97 Current Balance $128.94

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