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Proteins. Proteins Chains of amino acids Basic structure below:

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Presentation on theme: "Proteins. Proteins Chains of amino acids Basic structure below:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Proteins

2 Proteins Chains of amino acids Basic structure below:

3 Proteins Amino acid in solution

4 Proteins 20 amino acids Differ only in their side chains, R.

5 Condensation!

6 Proteins: Primary Structure Order of amino acids Protein made depends on ◦ Kind: which amino acids are present? ◦ Amount: how many amino acids? ◦ Sequence: what’s the order they are arranged?

7 Proteins: Secondary Structure Folding & coiling form pleated sheets and helixes Stabilized by hydrogen bonds


9 Proteins: Tertiary Structure Long coils fold among themselves

10 Proteins: Quaternary Structure separate amino acid chains fit together to make the final structure of a protein ◦ i.e., hemoglobin has 4!


12 Proteins: What do they do? Structural: collagen, elastin Oxygen-carriers: hemoglobin, myoglobin Forms parts of cell membranes: channels, receptors Allow muscle contraction Enzymes

13 Proteins: Enzymes Protein catalysts that speed up important biological chemical reactions

14 Proteins: Enzymes How do they work? substrates


16 Proteins: Enzymes How does environment affect its activity? Things to consider: - Temperature - pH

17 Proteins: Enzymes How does environment affect its activity?




21 Nucleic Acids

22 DNA: deoxyribonucleic acid RNA: ribonucleic acid ATP: adenosine triphosphate

23 Nucleic Acids Monomers are called nucleotides Each nucleotide has 3 parts ◦ nitrogen-containing base ◦ monosaccharide ribose ◦ phosphate

24 Nucleic Acids Five kinds of bases ◦ Adenine ◦ Guanine ◦ Thymine (in DNA only) ◦ Cytosine ◦ Uracil (in RNA only)



27 Nucleic Acids


29 DNA & RNA form the genetic material of an organism

30 ATP carries energy and provides to help many reactions in the cell

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