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Best Practices Individual Support Plan İn IŞIKKENT.

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2 Best Practices Individual Support Plan İn IŞIKKENT


4 Işıkkent supports the individual learner by...

5 Working in co-ordination with professional child psycologists and learning specialists... Working in co-ordination with professional child psycologists and learning specialists...

6 Before children start education at Işıkkent, they are assessed by the GEÇDA Method test. Before children start education at Işıkkent, they are assessed by the GEÇDA Method test.

7 With the results of this test a child is assessed and if a learning dıfficulty is revealed, an individual support plan is put into place which includes the following... With the results of this test a child is assessed and if a learning dıfficulty is revealed, an individual support plan is put into place which includes the following...

8 The school psycologist, learning specialist and teachers come together to discuss the childs needs after which the parents are called to a meeting and a plan of action is agreed. The school psycologist, learning specialist and teachers come together to discuss the childs needs after which the parents are called to a meeting and a plan of action is agreed.

9 The child is closely monitered by methods such as... For at least half an hour every day the teacher focuses on the childs progress whilst they are performing different tasks and take anecdotes.

10 If a child requires very specific needs a ‘Shadow Teacher’ is employed to stay with the child throughout the day and guide the child through tasks.

11 The Learning specialist also observes the child, The Learning specialist also observes the child, assesses and then tailers an individual support plan which is also revised and adapted to the childs needs throughout the year. assesses and then tailers an individual support plan which is also revised and adapted to the childs needs throughout the year.

12 Teachers also recieve constant education regarding special needs, including a degree in psycological counciling as well as a life coaching programme. Teachers also recieve constant education regarding special needs, including a degree in psycological counciling as well as a life coaching programme.

13 How we help a child... During the Işıkkent programme, the teacher comes together with the child on a daily basis for one on one During the Işıkkent programme, the teacher comes together with the child on a daily basis for one on one education, for example if the child needs to further develop math skills, education, for example if the child needs to further develop math skills, writing skills etc. writing skills etc.


15 Once a week the child psycologist, learning specialist and teachers hold a meeting to discuss the childs progress and adapt the Once a week the child psycologist, learning specialist and teachers hold a meeting to discuss the childs progress and adapt the support plan as neccessary. support plan as neccessary.

16 Once a month a meeting is held with the childs Parents to discuss the childs progress and theSupport plan. The meeting includes a dissussion of what was achieved during the past month, what can be achieved in the coming month, how the child is at home and how the parents and carers can help and support the child.

17 As well as a support plan for the child, the parents are also offered support if needed. As well as a support plan for the child, the parents are also offered support if needed. A psychiatrist is recommended to guide the parents through the difficulties of raising a special needs child. A psychiatrist is recommended to guide the parents through the difficulties of raising a special needs child.

18 At the end of the childs Kindergarten education, the class teacher meets with the childs future Primary class teacher. The childs progrees and needs are dicussed during this meeting and the The childs progrees and needs are dicussed during this meeting and the support plan is extended into the childs support plan is extended into the childs Primary education. Primary education.

19 In the Turkish Educational System, a child who is assessed with special needs is termed as ‘BEP’ In the Turkish Educational System, a child who is assessed with special needs is termed as ‘BEP’ Once assessed with Bep, a child Once assessed with Bep, a child is supported throughout their education from Kindergarten through to graduation. is supported throughout their education from Kindergarten through to graduation.

20 This support plan covers children with all types of learning challenges. This support plan covers children with all types of learning challenges. The structure of support is then tailered to The structure of support is then tailered to The individual child as needed. The individual child as needed. Işıkkent is a private school, however this Işıkkent is a private school, however this Structure ıs used by all private as well as state schools as developed by the Turkish Structure ıs used by all private as well as state schools as developed by the Turkish Educational System. Educational System.

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