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LIMS USER TRAINING 2 Installation and Reference Data Configuration.

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3 2 Installation and Reference Data Configuration

4 Agenda Install LIMS Uninstalling LIMS Starting up LIMS Access Control Closing LIMS

5 Installing LIMS Run setup program that create a LIMS folder in the Program Files of the Operating system Directory Drive_Name:\Program Files\LIMS To install LIMS one has to open the Installer (LIMS Setup Vxxx.x.exe) This will open a wizard.


7 Confirm Installation After successfully installing the Application one can verify by checking LIMS on All ProgramsLIMSLIMS LAB: Practice 1

8 Uninstalling LIMS LIMS is installed as a removable programs. Uninstalling LIMS removes the LIMS folder and sub folder from the installation directory and delete any registry information It is critical to backup before uninstalling Back Up

9 Uninstalling 1) Click on Start and open Control Panel 2) Select Add Remove Program by double clicking on the icon 3) Scroll down to the folder LIMS (listed in alphabetical order) 4) Highlight LIMS by clicking on it 5) Finally click on the Remove button located at the bottom-right of the highlighted panel. That leads to the successful removal of the application from the computer.

10 LAB: Practice 2

11 Installing LAB: Practice 1

12 Starting LIMS After installing LIMS one can start by: 1.All ProgramsLIMSLIMS The security signature is made by the developer on behalf of Informatix. Hence, it is trusted. Check the box which reads Always trust files from this publisher … and click on Open. This will open the LIMS log-in page and during the subsequent session, the intermediate security warning wouldn’t be displayed (if the above box is checked correctly.

13 LAB: Practice 3

14 System Navigation LIMS is a Graphical User Interface based system hence it uses forms, menus, buttons, text fields and many other form controls Menus present a set of options to a user 2 Type Vertical and Horizontal Vertical Horizontal

15 Navigation contd… Each Menu has sub-menus Vertical Menu Consists of buttons that represents user option. Clicking the button will open the desired form Each sub-menu list of buttons a a common button name Previous Menu which takes the user back in a sequential fashion

16 GUI Components List box Sorting Close this form Clear Unsaved record Delete record Save recordNew record Print form contents as report Move to last record Next record Previous record First record List of Values

17 Access Control The application comes with an administrative User Name and password which is limited to the installation of LIMS and Administrative component. Hence, an authorized administrator of the database should create User Name for those who are going to operate the application. AdministrationAccess ControlOfficer Roles Its allows one to create a user

18 Creating User and Assign Roles LAB: Practice 3 & 4

19 Assigning Roles Users are assigned roles which define what menus they can access

20 Data Reference The Reference Data sub-menu captures system configuration data which is central to all modules of the application. Prior to capturing data from reports, it is vital for the Administrator to verify that reference data for a particular country or region exist. The second and third functions of Partition Type and Country Town are particularly important as these determine the technical and administrative structure of a particular country as well as the towns and cities where livestock infrastructures and headquarters of associations of livestock farmers are located.

21 Country Country – This is a screen where Country details, such as the ISO code, default language, currency, international dialling code, geographical coordinate, membership to SADC, are captured and modified. All countries of the world and their details have been inserted to the LIMS application and what is expected is any modification in the near future. E.g. The membership to SADC status of Seychelles

22 Partition Type defines the spatial information for each country by implementing a hierarchical structure of partition types. a partition of a country is a named spatial element (geographic area) within a country. country partitions are created to fulfill certain objectives such as Administrative or Technical. LAB: Practice 5

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