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Teaching With Technology Tools and Techniques. Presenters Mike Reese Assistant Director, CER Theron Feist Sr. Information Technology Specialist, CER.

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Presentation on theme: "Teaching With Technology Tools and Techniques. Presenters Mike Reese Assistant Director, CER Theron Feist Sr. Information Technology Specialist, CER."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teaching With Technology Tools and Techniques

2 Presenters Mike Reese Assistant Director, CER Theron Feist Sr. Information Technology Specialist, CER

3 Workshop Topic Instructional resources and services that can assist faculty in presenting and encouraging student participation. Copyright guidelines and regulations that should be considered when using these technologies.

4 Workshop Objectives Identify several online communication tools & describe best practices to support teaching Use mobile computing devices to enhance lectures Describe library resources and to assist faculty and support students Articulate relevant Fair Use and copyright regulations and how to apply them in various situations Describe methods for addressing plagiarism

5 Activity Session One Participant Introduction Group discussion of workshop objectives What do YOU want? Potential alternative topics: Online homework submission and grading WebCT WebAssign

6 What should we cover today? Online Communication Tools Collaborative Writing Tools Virtual Classroom Streaming Audio/Video Library Resources Copyright/Fair Use Mobile Technology Online Homework Submission

7 Online Communication Tools Discussion boards – Guiding Questions – Required postings – Re-usable Content Instant messaging Web Logs (blogs) & Wikis Web Logs (blogs)Wikis – Collaborative writing spaces Virtual Classroom – As a collaborative space – Supplement or alternative to class meetings

8 Activity Session Two Create a blog at http://blogs.jhu.edu Sample virtual class meeting using Elive - / / Logon and create a wiki at

9 Streaming Media

10 Copyright The Congress shall have the power to. …promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries; US Constitution Article 1 Section 8

11 Copyright 1976 Copyright Act 4 Fair Use guidelines – Purpose and Character of Use – Nature of Work – Amount Used – Effect on Potential Market

12 Copyright 2002 TEACH Act “Copyleft” - Creative CommonsCreative Commons A new look at copyright

13 Activity Session Three Scenario 1 I want to post a journal article on my website….

14 Activity Session Three Scenario 2 I want to show a video clip to my students…

15 Library Resources Online databases eReserves VPN Library personnel – your best friend Resources to supplement teaching – MERLOT MERLOT

16 Break Take a break and stretch

17 Mobile Technology Tablet PCs – Presentation Enhancement Presenter OneNote GoBinder – Visualization and Design Physics demos Organic Chemistry – Field Work Data Collection In Class Voting – Class participation – Attendance – Quizzing

18 Activity Session Five Attendees will get the chance to try out the devices and tools listed above. Remote Projector Control to present – let students take control of the projector.

19 Plagiarism Issues Current Issues SMS / Phone Text-Messaging Mobile storage devices Internet Techniques – Educating your students – Clear and well promoted policies Tools such as – Plagiarism detection tools – Some controversy at other schools – Most widely adopted tool

20 Sample

21 Tour

22 Thank You! Please feel free to contact either of us in the future via email or phone: Mike Reese,, Theron Feist,,


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