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Presented By: Dr. Connie Graunke Executive Director Florida Center for Advising & Academic Support Florida Department of Education March 1, 2007 Florida’s.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented By: Dr. Connie Graunke Executive Director Florida Center for Advising & Academic Support Florida Department of Education March 1, 2007 Florida’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented By: Dr. Connie Graunke Executive Director Florida Center for Advising & Academic Support Florida Department of Education March 1, 2007 Florida’s Student Advising System

2 What is  Florida’s central web resource for student advising: –Assists students plan and track educational progress –Facilitates seamless transfer  For K-20 and beyond  Customized student information  Distributive system accessing postsecondary institutions’ information systems  Centralized system for secondary students to access student records

3 1995 Legislation passed (s. 1007.28 F.S.) Charged the Board of Regents and the State Board of Community Colleges with the establishment and maintenance of “a single, statewide, computer assisted student advising system…” Background

4 Average of Excess Credit Hours by Major Changes Source: DOE, State University System

5 1998 Prototype and Plan Completed  Distributive System  Utilizing Florida Information Resource Network (FIRN)  FASTER Transcripts  Institutional Audits  Web Access 1998 Legislature funded effort 2000 System rolled out

6 INSTITUTION E, F,... INSTITUTION A, B,... Institutional Communication Servers - Applications and Data at Host Sites Users Postsecondary Data Flow

7 College Degree/Program Audits  Compare a student’s transcript to degree requirements (real-time, Florida-based) –Any program, any school, any time! Guest Audit Local Audit Remote Degree/Program Shopping 2+2 University Transfer Evaluation

8 2+2 Evaluation Data Sources Users 2+2 Evaluation Community College Gen Ed Common Prerequisites SUS Upper & Lower Level Courses

9 Plan Identify Career Path Plan High School ePEP & Eval Explore & Apply Admissions & Fin Aid Track & Transfer Postsecondary Progress to Degree Employment & Lifelong Learning

10 FY 00-01 2,015,872 FY 05-06 12,200,252

11 More Background  2001Department of Education Re-org  2002High School Academic Evaluations  2005 ePEP (High School Course Planner)  2006A++ Legislation

12 Users ePEP ePEP Data Sources State Master School ID File State Student Information System State High School Transcript Database (NWRDC) Major Areas of Interest Database State K-20 Data Warehouse

13 ePEP Features  Plan high school courses (from Middle to High School)  Select College Prep, Career Prep, or Standard Graduation Prep  Select courses specific to school and grad plan  Alternate views (by subject area or grade level)  Ability to print with signature lines  Compare Feature  High School Evaluation  Save and Print feature with parent, counselor, student signature lines









22 Supports Strategic Initiatives  Help student prepare for and enroll in P.S. education  Aligns high school with P.S.  Helps reduce drop out and increase graduation by helping to provide relevance between career selections and high school curriculum  Reduces Excess Hours  Students Centered- Empowers students (and parents)  Provides exceptional value that institutions could not achieve by themselves or with another vendor.  Technology for today’s student

23 Questions? Dr. Connie W. Graunke Florida Center for Advising & Academic Support Florida Department of Education 325 West Gaines Street, Suite 834 Tallahassee, Florida 32399 (850) 245-0518 Helpdesk (866) 324-2618

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