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Al Youm El Sabe’s (The Seventh Day): Egypt’s Leading Website 36 million page views 3 million unique visitors per month.

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Presentation on theme: "Al Youm El Sabe’s (The Seventh Day): Egypt’s Leading Website 36 million page views 3 million unique visitors per month."— Presentation transcript:

1 Al Youm El Sabe’s (The Seventh Day): Egypt’s Leading Website 36 million page views 3 million unique visitors per month

2 Three Critical Obstacles to Egyptian News Industry Legal restrictions and regulations inhibit the launch of new newspaper or local broadcast outlets Legal, economic, and professional obstacle courses prevent journalists from practicing journalism. Digital media address gaps through satellite television and social media, but have faced official reprisals. 1. 2. 3.

3 Online Media and Today’s Political Culture February 2011: NY Times estimated: Over 5 million Egyptians on Facebook Highest number in the Middle East Twitter gained popularity in the 2010 elections in part because Facebook was subjected to government monitoring and interference.

4 Case study: GUATEMALA

5 Case study: GEORGIA

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