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NEW TIME OF GRACE CALLING us : To “PUT OUT INTO THE DEEP…” in order to live out the radicality of the beatitudes. To REVITALIZE OUR CHARISM with creative.

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Presentation on theme: "NEW TIME OF GRACE CALLING us : To “PUT OUT INTO THE DEEP…” in order to live out the radicality of the beatitudes. To REVITALIZE OUR CHARISM with creative."— Presentation transcript:

1 NEW TIME OF GRACE CALLING us : To “PUT OUT INTO THE DEEP…” in order to live out the radicality of the beatitudes. To REVITALIZE OUR CHARISM with creative fidelity to the spirit of our Founders. To FORGE AHEAD with confidence and enthusiasm in order to be witnesses of Christ’s merciful love to those who are poor. Grace Calling Us

2 Doing Something New When Jesus had finished speaking He said to Simon, “Cast out into the deep water and let down your nets for a catch.” Simon Peter answered: “But Master, we have been hard at it all night and caught nothing, but if you say so I will let down the nets.” They did so and made such a big haul of fish that their nets began to split, so they signaled to their partners in the other boat to come and help them. This they did and loaded both boats to the point of sinking. When Simon Peter saw what had happened he fell at the knees of Jesus and said, “Leave me, Lord, for I am a sinful man.” For he and all his companions were amazed at the catch they had made. Jesus said to them: “Do not be afraid, from now on you will be catching men.” As soon as they brought their boats to land, they left everything and followed Him. St. Luke (5:1-11)

3 Doing Something New Put Out Into the Deep See what we have overlooked Obstacles Inertia Comfort Fatigue

4 Doing Something New “Reading the Signs of the Times” (or) “Who Moved My Cheese” Vincent Louise Frederic Elizabeth

5 Lessons from “Who Moved My Cheese” Anticipate change and adapt quickly. Enjoy change and be ready to change quickly. Having change makes you happy. The more important your cheese is to you, the more you want to hold on to it. If you do not change, you can become extinct. Indeed the only thing that is constant in life is change.

6 Doing Something New Revitalize Our Charism See with the eyes of Vincent and Louise Seeing Seeing as mystics Seeing the “real” world

7 Doing Something New Forge Ahead Create New Paths

8 Doing Something New “Wayfarer, there is no path. The path is built by walking.” - Antonio Machado

9 Doing Something New Requires: Determination Inventiveness Courage

10 Doing Something New

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