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Eliano Pio Navarese, MD, PhD, FEAPCI Nicolaus Copernicus University, Bydgoszcz, Poland SIRIO-MEDICINE SIRIO-MEDICINE Systematic Investigation and Research.

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Presentation on theme: "Eliano Pio Navarese, MD, PhD, FEAPCI Nicolaus Copernicus University, Bydgoszcz, Poland SIRIO-MEDICINE SIRIO-MEDICINE Systematic Investigation and Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 Eliano Pio Navarese, MD, PhD, FEAPCI Nicolaus Copernicus University, Bydgoszcz, Poland SIRIO-MEDICINE SIRIO-MEDICINE Systematic Investigation and Research on Interventions and Outcomes in Medicine Group


3  SIRIO-MEDICINE is a selected group of senior scientists and fellows collaborating worldwide to pursue research and innovation in medicine with a focus in cardiology.

4  General aims The objective of is to create international working groups on specific issues concerning our activities and clinical research in Cardiology.  SIRIO-MEDICINE building process The key phase is the “recruitment” of colleagues sharing common scientific interests.

5  To build a network of scientific contacts, in the short time to establish a number of macro- areas on which to focus the interest of our scientific community.  The intention is to promote mutual stimulation and convergence on issues and methods for research.

6  To establish a new paradigm that uses an integrated and comprehensive approach to support the vision of SIRIO-MEDICINE in developing an international research network to address and solve the challenges in research.  To become an international research partner of choice in senjor projects, to improve the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and outcomes of cardiovascular diseases and interaction with colleagues of other branches of Medicine.

7 A. Initiate discussions around scientific issues B. Start up researches (international clinical trials) and deepen theoretical and speculative topics. C. Exchange of information on how to work in the different countries and literature in progress in any specific area. D. Common organization of "interactive sessions", research meetings and scientific discussions A. Initiate discussions around scientific issues B. Start up researches (international clinical trials) and deepen theoretical and speculative topics. C. Exchange of information on how to work in the different countries and literature in progress in any specific area. D. Common organization of "interactive sessions", research meetings and scientific discussions

8 Currently 4 macroareas in the field of Cardiology will be covered by SIRIO investigators: 1) Experimental research in Cardiology (platelets, molecular cardiology, diabetes, cardiovascular pharmacology, endothelium, stem cells) 2) Evidence based medicine in Cardiology (basic and advanced meta-analyses, systematic reviews, bayesian framework, indirect evidence) 3) Clinical registries and databases with the following preferred topics: coronary artery disease, coronary stents, interventional cardiology, heart failure. 4) Randomized trials, addressing the same issues as those covered in the clinical registry macroarea

9 Criteria for author’s contribution: A) proposal of idea and/or the project B) active patient recruitment/measurement of the biological parameter of interest C) analysis of data and presentation of the results D) drafting of the manuscript or the discussion paragraph or contribution to the revision of the first manuscript draft)

10 Criteria for author’s contribution: A) project idea and short proposal of the meta-analysis B) systematic research of the articles, abstraction of data and creation of excel files C) statistical calculations and graphs D) drafting of the manuscript

11 Criteria for author’s contribution: A) Database supply A) Database supply B) Implementation of database B) Implementation of database C) Analysis of the database C) Analysis of the database D) Drafting of the manuscript D) Drafting of the manuscript

12 Criteria for author’s contribution: A) study protocol development and registration B) patient recruitment C) core lab D) analysis of data E) drafting manuscript

13  The author’s references will be requested, however, to keep in touch with president, core committee (through mails, discussion lists, video conferencing, and in the future meetings) to review the status of work, agree on common lines of development, exchange information, etc.  Another target is to involve "leading members" of the scientific community who have experience that they can invest and " younger members" who will bring into play their skills but also the desire to grow and invest in visibility.

14  President elected and chair of the SIRIO-MEDICINE group – Dr Eliano Pio Navarese  Co-chair of the SIRIO-MEDICINE group – Prof Jacek Kubica  Core evaluation scientific commitee (under election)  Secretary (elected)  Senior members (under selection)  Fellows (under recruitment)  Technical staff (website manteinance and updates)

15 1) International expertise in research 2) Spirit to work in group and “to not shut yourself” 3) Availability to share ideas and receive the feedback from the president/ expert panel commitee from the president/ expert panel commitee 4) Active participation and willingness to improve the personal scientific profile and reputation and to foster the interaction with colleagues 5) E-mail address and /or skype account to be provided

16 Increase the number of your publications, your IF and academic profile 1 ) Increase the number of your publications, your IF and academic profile 2) Establish new strong research partnerships/cooperation 3) Be part of a scientific group active in the field 4) Take advange of the collaboration with a team of experts 5) Contribute with your support to increase the reputation of the group over time 6) Increase your international reputation through the membership 7) Spend less time in getting a paper published 8) Free and “cost-effective” membership

17  At least one paper published per year in a journal with IF where you are first author; this paper should have on board some of the SIRIO members and cite SIRIO-MEDICINE in the akcnowledgments section of the manuscript  Alternatively, you should significantly contribute to at least one SIRIO-MEDICINE project per year

18 SIRIO will work like a peer reviewed journal:  The president is the editor; the evaluation committee is composed by deputy editors and senior members are the associate editors  The proposal of a project could be advanced by SIRIO members or external sources.

19  The proposal will be submitted to the president and will be discussed with the core committee; if accepted, it will be forwarded to the selected senior members who will interact with the author of the project.  The senior member will contribute to the proposal in various degrees: enrollment center, writing the paper, revising the draft, providing comments as a normal reviewer but with the benefit of the inclusion as an author in the paper

20 Project proposal Project proposal President + evaluation core committee Senior members Fellows Publication Citation of the project Abstracts +/- (meetings-congresses) Scientific agreement form to be filled!! Periodical updates by email or skype, Website

21 Successful project Prepare your mind Brain is not enough, you need courage and good group Make the best of your working conditions Work hard and effectively Believe and doubt your hypotesis at the same time SIRIO-MEDICINE will support You in your climbing Leave your door open

22 1) Passive membership without contribution to the group 1) Passive membership without contribution to the group 2) Not accurate and incomplete data collection, analysis, and superficial contributions 2) Not accurate and incomplete data collection, analysis, and superficial contributions 3) Discussion about authorship in some projects; you will be notified to participate as author of the project; to this end, you will sign the agreement form! 3) Discussion about authorship in some projects; you will be notified to participate as author of the project; to this end, you will sign the agreement form!

23  Members of SIRIO –MEDICINE will be cited in the website of SIRIO (under development)  The publications and the field of expertise of the members will be reported in the website  Future creation of online forums to facilitate the interaction between members will be fostered  Implementation of an online submission system of the short project proposals  Periodical updates of the website will be performed

24  SIRIO aims to be a next generation communication platform involving a large network of scientists - colleagues interacting between them and sharing common projects in the field of medicine.  SIRIO aims to favour cross-interactions between different branches of Medicine, promoting the dialogue of different scientists to reach common targets.  SIRIO will support young researchers in realizing their projects and fostering their mutual communication through web forums and other internet sources (linked in, researchgate, twitter).

25 SIRIO-MEDICINE is not a fantasy but is a dream in progress and…

26 SIRIO-MEDICINE “ A scientist without dreams is like bird without wings”

27 SIRIO MEDICINE Systematic Investigation Research on Interventions and Outcomes in Medicine group Systematic Investigation Research on Interventions and Outcomes in Medicine group contacts: Together we achieve more!

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