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Leonardo’s Horse Day 4. How do artists inspire future generations?

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Presentation on theme: "Leonardo’s Horse Day 4. How do artists inspire future generations?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Leonardo’s Horse Day 4

2 How do artists inspire future generations?

3 Think about where you’ve seen sculptures. What have these sculptures added to the places where you’ve seen them? Artists use tools to help them in their work. One tool that some artists, such as Norman Rockwell, use is a projector. Explain how a projector can help an artist with his or her work. What can they achieve with a projector that would be difficult to achieve otherwise?

4 Medium- a material or technique that an artist uses Leonardo used many mediums to create his art. Muse-to think in a dreamy way I used to muse about being a player in the NFL. Inspire- means to fill others with thoughts of hope I hope to inspire others with my speech about doing your best.

5 achieved- reached or attained by effort, skill or courage She achieved good grades in 5 th grade. architect- a person who designs buildings Joseph was the architect of the new train station. Teach your partner these words

6 bronze- a yellowish-brown alloy of copper with up to one-third tin The bronze statue glistened in the sun. Cannon-a mounted gun for firing heavy projectiles; a gun, howitzer, or mortar Frank fired the cannon during the battle. Teach your partner these words.

7 depressed- in a state of general unhappiness Sarah never smiled because she was depressed about her dog. fashioned- to make into a particular form The chair was fashioned out of twigs. Teach your partner these words.

8 Greek and Latin Roots Vision, vista, visible- what does the root – vis mean? To see Inspect, retrospect, prospect- what does the root –spect mean? To look, to watch

9 Philhippic- loving horses Philadelphy- love for all men as brothers Philanthropist- a lover of mankind What do you think the root philo means? It means “love”

10 The four principal parts are: Present (studying) Present participle (is studying) Past (studied) Past participle (have studied)

11 Spelling Compound words: Blindfold Postcard Thumbtack Earthquake Homesick courthouse

12 Lets take a look at our Daily Fix it

13 Persuasive speech: Clear focus The argument stated in a topic sentence with strong supporting details Clear persuasive language and an active voice Varied sentences Correct use of principal parts

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