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Linda A Headrick, MD, MS, FACP February 26, 2013.

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1 Linda A Headrick, MD, MS, FACP February 26, 2013

2  Brainstorm ideas for quality improvement learning strategies for health professions students  Apply what is known about the characteristics of successful quality improvement curricula  Determine barriers and facilitators, including engagement with the clinical enterprise

3  Examples of QI learning strategies to consider in the curriculum  Strategies to implement QI learning for health professions students

4 1. Introduction (10 min) 2. Exercise #1: Goal & Strategies (25 min) 3. Exercise #2: Assessment (25 min) 4. Report out (35 min) 5. Exercise #3 & Discussion: Supports/Barriers (20 min) 6. Summary & Evaluation (5 min)

5 Continuum of Education in Quality and Safety Faculty Integration/Role Modeling Resident Demonstrated Basic Competency Medical School Graduate Applications Beginning Medical Student Foundation Concepts, Skills & Values

6  Focuses on basic rules  Benefits from exposure to generic “rules” of improvement From Dreyfus & Dreyfus (1986), discussed in Armstrong et al 2012

7  Analyze a process in health care as seen through the patient’s eyes.  Define quality improvement and the steps one would take to achieve improvement.  Describe why an interprofessional approach is necessary for continuous improvement in health care.  Demonstrate the ability to review a case of a medical error in a non-judgmental manner and identify potential root causes.

8  Interacts with and contextualizes rules; needs opportunities to apply rules in action  Can be overwhelmed by the number and variation of elements in the situation Armstrong et al 2012

9  Analyze unwanted variation in health care outcomes and identify potential causes.  Display skill in communication and collaborative work with health professionals from other disciplines.  Identify and analyze significant patient safety concerns in clinical care settings and propose effective safety improvements.  Apply QI principles and methods to improve a care process.

10  Combination of didactic and experiential learning  Attention to outcomes  Alignment with health system priorities & improvement efforts  Continuous improvement of the educational experience itself

11 1.Reaction 2.(a) Modification of attitudes/ perceptions (b) Acquisition of knowledge/skills 3.Behavioral change 4.(a) Change in organizational practice (b) Benefits to patients/clients. Adaptation of Kirkpatrick (1967) by Barr et al, 2005

12 Choose your small group by level of learner 1. Novice 2. Advanced beginner (pre-licensure) 3. Advanced beginner (post-licensure)

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