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PMSS 2015 Continuing Professional Learning Program.

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1 PMSS 2015 Continuing Professional Learning Program

2 Session 3: Exploring the Link between Science and Technology Facilitators Sophia McLean: Professional Learning Manager Louise Rostron: Professional Learning Consultant

3 Workshop purpose To understand AusVELS curriculum for the learning area of Technology To explore ways that PrimaryConnections: linking science with literacy, based on the PC 5Es teaching and learning model, builds teacher confidence and competence and meets the teaching and learning requirements of AusVELS Workshop purpose

4 Workshop outline (90 minutes) INTRO:Purpose, outline, outcomes (5 mins) ENGAGE:How are science and technology connected? (15 mins) EXPLORE:Explore Technology in AusVELS (20 mins ) EXPLAIN: The context of science and technology (15 mins) How does PrimaryConnections fit? ELABORATE:Technology opportunities in PrimaryConnections units (30 mins) EVALUATE:Summarise, reflect, and evaluate (5 mins)How has my thinking changed?

5 On completion of this module participants will understand: the organisation of the AusVELS curriculum for the learning area of Technology the language and terminology of the AusVELS curriculum connections between the program PrimaryConnections: linking science with literacy, the Australian Curriculum:Science and AusVELS ways that the PrimaryConnections program builds teacher confidence and competence in science and literacy and helps to meet the teaching and learning requirements of AusVELS in science and technology processes to modify units of work to meet the requirements of the AusVELS curriculum Outcomes

6 ENGAGE Continuing Professional Learning Program

7 Questions What is “technology”? How is it linked with science? Have a chat and elicit some themes around these questions.

8 Venn Diagram Watch the video Nanopatch. Complete a Venn diagram linking science with technology. Focus questions: What was the problem to be solved? What is technology? How did the development of the technology advance science understanding? How did the science understanding lead to improvements in the technology?

9 What is technology? Method of vaccine delivery is the problem because: Uses Needles Vaccines need refrigeration (short shelf-life), hard to distribute worldwide Application into muscles results in a slow rate of action How has this problem improved with technology? Nano-patch delivery is painless, easy, self-administered, avoid needle stick injuries No refrigeration required (longer shelf-life), easy to distribute worldwide Application into skin has a faster rate of action

10 …more to the technology story of vaccination (delivery mechanisms and the vaccines) Jenner 1796 smallpoxSmallpox pustule gauge 1870-1930 Bifurcated needle 1970s Syringe and vaccine 2013 Nanopatch 2013 Syringe 1930s

11 Scientific and technological literacy is a high priority for all citizens, helping them: to be interested in, and understand the world around them and consider problems to be solved to engage in the discourses of and about science and technology to be sceptical and questioning of claims made by others about scientific and technological matters to be able to identify questions and problems, investigate and draw evidence-based conclusions that lead to technological solutions to make informed decisions about the environment, the use of technology and their own health and well-being. Scientific literacy McLean, S. and Rostron. L. (2014). PrimaryConnections NSW syllabus to success. Goodrum, D., Hackling, M. and Rennie, L. (2001). The status and quality of teaching and learning of science in Australian schools: A research report. Canberra: Department of Education, Training and Youth Affairs.

12 EXPLORE Continuing Professional Learning Program

13 A syllabus document… Organises information to Help teachers Make meaning of the contents and translate to effective teaching and learning OHM: In science a unit to measure electrical resistance Our goal today is to reduce the resistance of teachers in linking science with technology.

14 Where did I come from?.... …..the birth….. Australian Curriculum: Science (ACARA) AusVELS So: AusVELS, Science…….. is a fully aligned version of the Australian Curriculum:Science

15 Technology Technology is not yet finalised in the Australian Curriculum Each State and Territory embeds “technology” through State Curricula

16 AusVELS and Technology The domain of Design, Creativity and Technology (DCT) emphasises engagement in designing, creating and evaluating processes, products and technological systems using a range of materials as a way of developing creativity and innovation. Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is the hardware and software that enables data to be digitally processed, stored and communicated. (AusVELS Curriculum Documents)

17 AusVELS and Technology Dimensions of Study DCT: Three dimensions Investigating and designing Producing Analysing and evaluating ICT: Three dimensions ICT for visualising thinking ICT for creating ICT for communicating

18 Curriculum documents Broad statements about: Learning focus Stages of learning Standards Teachers ask the question: What do I actually do with my students? Examples from the standards and progression points documents assist with some ideas.

19 Examples DCT: Standards introduced at Level 3 Level 3 example: Investigating and designing Team generates ideas in response to a design brief Communication of ideas using labelled sketches and experimental models, oral explanations Identification of properties: hard, soft, stretchy Identification and ordering of main steps required to make the product or simple system

20 Examples ICT: Standards introduced at Level 1 Level 3: ICT for visualising thinking Logical sequencing ideas, using basic editing software Retrieval of visualising thinking files, use of editing techniques to modify these Retrieval of nominated visualising thinking files, use of annotation tools

21 EXPLAIN Continuing Professional Learning Program

22 STEM Education An acronym for the new global learning area combining four disciplines in an inter-disciplinary and applied way using real world contexts. Science Technology Engineering Mathematics

23 21 st Century Learners (

24 Bloom’s taxonomy revisited (

25 Contexts of Science and Technology Question or Problem Linking Science & Technology Science Hands-on scientific investigations. Draws on: - tools - processes developed by technology. Technology Hands-on design projects. Uses: - concepts/principles - processes developed by science.

26 Professional learning program linking science with literacy Supported by quality curriculum resources What is PrimaryConnections ?..a complete approach to teaching and learning science Based on research Funded by the Australian Government 2005 – 2013 $11.2 million Stage 6 began in 2014….. to continue 2015-16

27 Purpose of PrimaryConnections To improve learning outcomes for primary students in science and literacy by developing a professional learning program supported with quality curriculum resources that will improve teachers’ confidence and competence for teaching science through developing their science pedagogical content knowledge. Purpose

28 What PrimaryConnections isn’t!! It is not just “a resource”! It is not just “a set of books”! It is not “a commercial product resulting from the Australian Curriculum:Science”! It is not mandatory!

29 PrimaryConnections curriculum units StageYearBiological sciencesChemical sciences Earth and space sciences Physical sciences Curriculum focus: awareness of self and the local world ES1F Staying alive or Growing well (new) What’s it made of?Weather in my worldOn the move 11 Schoolyard safari Spot the difference or Bend it! Stretch it! (new) Up, down and all around Look! Listen! (replaces Sounds sensational) 2 Watch it growAll mixed upWater worksPush pull Curriculum focus: recognising questions that can be investigated scientifically and investigating them 23 Feathers, fur or leavesMelting moments Night and day (replaces Spinning in space) Heating up 4 Plants in ActionMaterial world Beneath our feet Smooth moves or Magnetic moves (new) Friends or foesPackage it better 35 Desert survivorsWhat’s the matter?Earth’s place in space Light shows (replaces Light fantastic) 6 Marvellous micro-organisms Change detectivesEarthquake explorers It’s electrifying Essential energy

30 In summary, PrimaryConnections links science with literacy is based on the 5Es teaching and learning model uses an inquiry-based investigative approach uses collaborative learning strategies embeds the assessment processes in the teaching and learning model provides exemplary curriculum units and other resources All of these contribute to students’ developing scientific literacy. What about “technological literacy?” PrimaryConnections

31 ELABORATE Continuing Professional Learning Program

32 Form groups of up to 8 to analyse ONE curriculum unit in detail 1.Identify and summarise the “science understanding” (the key concept) at the front of the unit 2. For one lesson of the unit only, identify and summarise the following in the charts on pages: Phase Lesson Science activities Technology opportunities for both DCT and ICT Report back to the group your summary in the order of the 5Es. Each person summarises their analysis (Pages 26-27) Essence of a curriculum unit

33 EVALUATE Continuing Professional Learning Program

34 Reflect Discuss answers to the question: How has my thinking changed?

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